It is the physical addiction to nicotine that makes quitting smoking so difficult. But those who want to quit smoking must also overcome a psychological addiction . We have collected a lot of information and tips about this that will help you to give up smoking permanently.
1- Choose your quitting day and celebrate it
Quitting smoking is your choice and when to quit depends entirely on you. Choose a 'quit day' and plan it in your calendar long enough in advance. Plan a fun, relaxing activity on this day. Quitting smoking is not a punishment. Reward yourself from day one for choosing to quit.
2- Let others celebrate
Let your friends and family support you. Make your chosen date, your 'quit day', also known to them. This way they can support you in difficult moments. Make that day a reason to celebrate and celebrate with them after one week, one month, six months, a year… They will be happy to contribute positively to this important decision.
3- Get help
Also ask for help from strangers. Quitting smoking is difficult, but there are plenty of people who are willing to support you. Your doctor, pharmacist, tobaccologist, psychologist and other healthcare providers are ready for you.
4- Eat healthy
When you quit smoking, your smell and taste improve. Many people notice that the appetite for sweets increases. Try to build in a healthier diet together with your smoking cessation to maintain or improve your weight. Take more time to enjoy healthy things.
5- Explore a new hobby
Smoking takes quite some time. Experts at Republic of Vape comments to use the time that has freed up. By choosing a new hobby. You can do this alone or in a group. Painting, reading, listening to music, attending evening classes, exercising. With a new purpose in your life you avoid the dreaded void that smoking leaves behind. You will feel fitter and stronger, so exercise is definitely a good option.
6- Spend more time with your loved ones
Try to see quitting smoking as a gift. Not only for yourself, but also for your friends and family , you will be less concerned about your health. Meet regularly and also prove that you no longer have to go outside every so often to light a cigarette. Maybe your social life is getting better because you dropped smoking breaks.
7- Deal with stress faster
Quitting smoking can certainly cause extra stress in the beginning. If you find that it is getting too much for you, take a walk or do something else to lower your stress level. Be vigilant and learn from times when stress takes over. Try to recognize stress moments quickly and intervene as soon as necessary.
8- Save for a specific goal
There are several apps that help you calculate how much money you will save by not buying cigarettes anymore. Set this money aside for a nice reward. Save in the short and long term for a nice gadget and also a city trip. In this way you make your savings concrete and convert it into something positive.
9- Make a Quit Kit
Collect everything you need to keep stopping. Put some items in a backpack or smaller bag. You can take this bag with you. When you feel like a cigarette, your Quit Kit contains everything you need to keep you motivated. A bottle of water, headphones to listen to your favorite music, a stress ball or toothpicks to put the restlessness in your hands, a booklet with all the benefits and reasons to keep stopping. You can be as creative as you want here.
10- Enjoy the benefits
If you have prepared your smoking cessation, you have certainly considered the benefits that this would bring. When you travel, you don't have to book a hotel room with a smoking balcony. Your breath and house smell fresher, your food tastes better. You can enjoy music more. A long film no longer needs to be paused and conversations are also less disturbed. Be aware of this and fully enjoy the benefits of no smoking.
We wish you the best of luck!
Misty Jhones