As a full time professional psychic I am often asked, “Why don’t you get involved in law enforcement cases?” This I find to be a very good question. The answer though, I find has different reasons behind it.

There are numerous missing persons cases that are local as well as nationwide. It is my personal belief that I am not “meant” to be involved with these unless contacted by the family or by law enforcement. (And yes I have been contacted before.)

It is true that law enforcement do indeed consult with psychics , particularly when they hit a dead end. Other than certain television series, this is generally not publicly broadcast.

Another problem, is when you take a high media profiled case; you have a lot of psychics that want to give their input. Sadly enough these psychics are generally seeking a reward, financial aid from the family or law enforcement or jus media recognition.

Because of these circumstances law enforcement agencies around the country have begun charging psychics with “Obstruction of justice.” I am in fully agree and support this decision.

First of all there are many varying gifts that a psychic can carry. Some carry all the gifts and are stronger in some areas, while others may only specialize in one area. The thought that any true “gifted” person would use this as a financial reward makes me ill. I can understand a moderate compensation if they spend hours on a case and it pulls them away from their income.

It is still my personal belief that if I personally am meant to be involved than someone will seek me out directly. Not to mention that these tend to be highly emotional cases not just for the family members, but for the psychics as well.

Like many other psychics I can be found on the Internet either by my first name or by my nickname of “Ms Swami.” So I don’t see a need to recruit these cases even if they are local. (Most psychics have a business license in their local county or city.)

So in general there are several reasons as to why we as psychics choose not to get involved. Most psychic would not turn away a family in need, and if legit would certainly not mind working with a law enforcement agency. For psychic readings you may contact me at .

Author's Bio: 

Jackie works as a full time professional psychic under the nickname of "Ms-Swami." She is the founder of Central Virginia Psychic Development and Paranormal Research as well as the founder of Central Virginia Paranormal Investigations. She is the author of Distant Learning: Reiki Master's Course, Handbook & Certification as well as the Richmond Psychic & Paranormal Examier. You may visit her at