Success doesn’t just happen. It’s envisioned, it’s prepared, it’s measured, and it’s managed. On this post I share two important points you need to be aware of in order to succeed. I was just watching the game 7 of the NBA final 2010 and Kobe Bryant the MVP was saying at the interview on ESPN that the reason behind his average performance during the first period is due to the over pressure he puts on himself. He wanted to win so bad that he was about to miss it. What kind of emotions we need to watch and how to deal with each one? The following two pints will not make you successful but be aware of them will make it easier for you to succeed.

When you have a burning desire to accomplish a set goal, it inevitable that your emotions, your mindset is affected by the way everything goes down.. Following is what you need to be aware of:

The fear for failure – The fear will make you to stop believing that you can reach your goal. Fear will come from the fact that you might have a slow start on your to accomplish the big goal. By slow start, I mean the first steps on that big journey might not be working the way you expected them to be. Maybe you were planning to sell 100 products right from the day 1 and you sold only 10 or maybe nothing.The fear might also come from your skeptics. Your skeptics are the people who do not believe in your ability to accomplish that goal. There are the people who will come to discourage you, to underestimate you, to create doubt in you, and at the end of the day all, they want is you not to succeed, bring a lot of negativity around you.

Finally, the fear might also come from the difficulty, the toughness goal to be accomplished. The higher your goal, the more challenging it will be and the understanding of what it will take to make it happen can create fear and doubts on you.

So how to deal if you find yourself trap in this situation. First, when you have a meaningful goal that means the world to you, the first thing I will recommend is to take a Coach. If you need help or assistance to find one, go and visit, the connect people and companies to experts. Now if you don’t have a Coach, the first thing I will recommend is to identify from all your key success factors, what are your controllable? Your controllable is what you need to put your focus on all the way till the big accomplishment. For instance, no matter what your goal is, some of the things you control are THE NUMBER OF TIME YOU WORK, YOUR ATTITUDE, THE NUMBER OF TIME YOU TRY, and THE NUMBER OF TIME YOU PRACTICE. Everything else like the weather, or other people’s mind, decisions or attitude are out of your control and therefore should not be part of your pre-occupations or worries. The author Patricia Nea said a strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.

Once you know your controllable and focus on it, what you need to do when surrounded by the fear of failure is to calm down. When you calm down, you get back the control of the situation and set yourself in the better disposition to charge forward. An amazing technique used to calm down is by repeating what we call your self-talk. A self-talk is what you tell constantly to yourself and that you believe in. Mohammad Ali self-talk for instance was that he was the greatest. Whenever someone were to face him, Ali would say: I am the greatest. So, find your self-talk and make sure it’s something you truly believe in.

Watch out your confidence level – There are four levels of confidence. You have the conditional confidence, the false confidence, the over confidence, and the unconditional confidence.

The conditional confidence: This type of confidence basically states that the belief you are in reaching your goal is based your performance, or on what people tell about you or anything else. In other words, if today you ave great results, you will believe in your potential to nail everything down. Now, if tomorrow you suck, you will reconsider being able to smash it all. You will end up being what I call in a previous article a “yo-yo”

The false confidence: The best way to illustrate what I mean by false confidence is to give an example. Imagine you plan to become a basketball player at the NBA but you never played a competition before, never been part of a team, has never win any recognition or got praised as a basketball player, but you claim to be confident to become the next Kobe Bryant. That is what we call false confidence, the confidence is not backed up.

The over-confidence: To be over-confident can definitely affect your results in a bad way. Contrary to the false confidence, you might have considerable reasons to be over confident, the problem here is in the extra mile of the state of confidence that might disable you from having a clear view of your progress, or make you underestimate the challenges to overcome.The unconditional confidence: This is the confidence you want to have when you’re working on reaching a goal. The unconditional confidence is realistic and backed up. Your believe here is based on your previous experiences, previous performances, current practice, and the inner commitment you have to do whatever it takes to make your dream comes true. That is the kind of confidence Kobe Bryant can have to become the next Michael Jordan instead of the next Michael Jackson.

Author's Bio: 

Max-Marc Fossouo is a Relationship Strategist, Founder of He believes that relationship is at the heart of any success and so is action. Driven by passion, Max is convinced that relationship matters and here is his view of relationship: "In relationship, do not ask what someone can do for you, but what you can do for the person. It is not how you can be served, but how you can serve. Not what you can benefit, but what they can benefit from you. To be there for others is not just relationship, it's also leadership."
Max conducts Motivational speaking, seminars, and shows about Relation and Success.
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