Exams are a stressful part of education system for many students. Nightmares, blackouts, sweaty palms are usually experienced by students during this time. Exams cause terrible anxiety to students but fear is not needed. If your exams are round the corner, do not panic and follow below mentioned tips.

Get startedIt is better to start exam preparation well in advance so that you have enough time to get hold of the subject. Do not wait for exams to approach and start preparing from beginning of your course. Regular and early preparation of exams can help in absorbing the subject basics better.

Do not forget to organize course material properly so that you do not have to face any kind of hassles at exam time. In case you have missed some classes, borrow notes from your friends. Proper organization of the study material will let you have a fair idea of material that needs to be covered.

Create study planFor minimizing stress and studying effectively, you will need study plan. You should figure out the time and efforts you should be dedicating to studies based on various things. The first of which is the material that has to be covered, difficultly level of material, time availability, exam format, performance targets.

If you are through with course, your studying will include revision of the syllabus. If you have not covered the course yet, finish readings and uncompleted work before starting revision. While developing the study plan for yourself, divide your time carefully and prepare study sessions. Divide your course in small sections and then put them in various study segments. Set specific and clear goals for study sessions. Avoid cramming just before the exams as it can leave you blank while taking the test.

Revise summary notesCondensed version of readings is known as summary notes. Pinpoint concepts and key terms in the notes to understand them. By using summary notes, you will be able to preserve more information. Pen down all information thoughtfully and revise your course without any difficulty with the summary notes.

Practice under examination conditionsOne should not only be thorough with course material but should be able to answer effectively under examination conditions. You should practice the sample questions in the created test environment to be completely prepared for taking test. By solving sample questions, you can have a fair idea of exam format.

Follow the above-mentioned tips and keep a positive attitude to perform well in your exams.

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Best of luck for your exams. Know about Professional Studies and Competitive Coaching