Pregnancy is both an exciting stage as it is a scary one for women. To say scary does not mean the strictest sense of the word. Scary here would mean a time for the woman to be anxious about what will happen in the next nine months of her life and how her unborn baby will change their lives. It is also an exciting stage since the fact that a new life growing within the mother-to-be is amazing and miraculous.

This stage should not be a time to lie in bed all day long and quit physical movements. All the more a mother-to-be should be active and mobile in order to have a safe pregnancy and delivery.

Here are some activities and exercises to keep pregnant women up and moving.


Yoga is increasingly becoming popular today. This has become an exercise routine for women as it is a way for relaxation. The best thing is that even pregnant women can do this as well. Parenting Blog advices moms-to-be to engage in yoga into their second trimester of pregnancy as this prepares them for birth and motherhood.

However, before a pregnant woman starts her yoga sessions, she must first secure a clearance from her doctor allowing her to pursue the activity.

When engaging in pre-natal yoga , the following have to be remembered:

Such sessions must not be strenuous.
Materials necessary for yoga must be present such as bolsters, blankets, mats, and chairs to provide support to the body.
Activities must promote building strength, and achieving flexibility.

Other activities include:

Exercise in water

Why it is necessary to exercise during pregnancy ?

Exercising is a must for all ages and at all times. A good parenting advice also says that exercising should be done by pregnant women as well. The benefits are enormous which include the following:

1. Exercise gives the moms-to-be more energy
2. Pregnancy causes back pains for the mother due to the growing belly that is pulling her. Exercise can help ease these back pains and help the mother keep an upright posture.
3.Weight control is another advantage of exercising. Pregnant women, as a parenting tip, should not be allowed to gain too much weight as this may cause the baby to grow too much making it difficult for delivery. Also, the opposite may happen where only the mother grows bigger and the baby remains the same.
4.Stress is relieved by exercise and, as a result, the mother tends to be able to sleep more soundly.
5.Exercise can help the mother prepare for childbirth. Furthermore, it also helps her recuperate faster after delivering her baby.
6.This next benefit may encourage more pregnant women to exercise . It makes it easier for the mother to regain her pre-pregnancy figure and keep a healthy weight.
7.Motherhood is going to be tougher than pregnancy itself. And this is where exercise helps. It helps the mother keep up with all the demands of being a mother and nursing a baby.

Being pregnant should be a time enjoyed by mothers. That is why to have more information, visit Parenting Blog on .

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For more pregnancy advice and tips, please visit Parenting Blog . Updated regularly, we serve as a guide for parents besieged by the troubles of parenthood.