High impact inspiring. Do it and do it now. There's no later. You might not get there. No one's promised later, ever. Wind turbine energy, flowing through you. What? Too much? Humans made the wind turbine generator, so just imagine what you're capable of. I use my success to further my gains. I'm an opportunist and decide there's no other way to live. Therefore, I rock this party hard. Squeeze it for every little stride I can get. I chase opportunities like T-Cells rushing to attack mesothelioma. Still, I'm not my success, it's part of putting me where I'd like to be: at my idea of paradise, other than Heaven. Everyone has a gift, few use it. I am using mine. I'm not my job description: not a blogger, publisher, animator, writer, marketer or motivator. I'm me, doing what I do, to do my best. You should too, or else you're wasting your life. My gift among others is using my soul to move people and/or myself to action. I'm really good at that. Now, imagine what I could do with industry-certification in that niche. I could move mountains. I already move cities, people from dozens of towns worldwide read my stuff regularly. And they say blogging is dead. Whatever!
Two international awards, a thriving firm, direct links to the stock exchange, the local creative industry, worldwide social entrepreneurships executives, professionals, policy-makers, a few influencers and a couple of one percenters. In three and a half years. And they say start-ups are hard to start up? Whatever!
Yes, I know the figures but they don't bother me enough to stop hustling and dropping to the floor with my arms folded, waiting for 'the storm' to pass. No! Never! Therefore, I'm like a powerhouse when I'm on my game. I can do anything and that's why I'm going to do everything. Everything to prosper, improve, succeed and grow, I'm going to do all them things to elevate the positivism within me, a couple skyscrapers higher. What are you going to do? Here's how to do it:
First, you need to dream. Go somewhere where you're not disturbed and can listen to your thoughts clearly. Take a notepad with you. Get a pen. Then ask yourself what the things were that made you happy as a child. Write them down. It's important to write them down, because anything you write goes directly into your subconsciousness. Brainstorm. Find out what made you happy as a kid, in terms of places, people and events. Write them down, too. Brainstorm. Make an expansive list and add little paragraphs explaining why the answers are accordingly. Take a break. Come back a few days later and do it again. All over again. This time you group similar points together and accentuate key indicators in the list. Calibrate your reasoning therein What follows is you narrowing down the results, thereby moving clearly towards your unmistakable life-calling. The thing(s) you were born to do. It can't be confused because the results stem from your childhood and children are the purest form of humanity on Earth, doing what they love, being with whom they love and following their dreams , devoid of any negativity and/or doubts from corruption in the world. Believe it or not, but the child in you is the reason of your success. We may become adults but our childhood directs us to our innate disposition. Nobody/nothing else does it, ever!
Second, you need to work hard, like you don't have the dream to begin with, and therefore have to compensate through sheer determination & working hardcore, like all of your future depends on it. In a way, it does. Talent is not enough to succeed. What is often not said about talented performers is that they work extremely hard on their craft and are ever-learning students in the quest of reaching their utmost potential. I've got a good grade personal & business success thus far in my life, but every single good fortune, I've had to work and fight for with everything I got. If you're not prepared to break your toes and lose weight to wear ballet shoes and dance like a ballerina respectively, then ballet isn't for you. If you're not prepared to bench press 300 kg to become the next World's Strongest Man Champion, then power lifting and bodybuilding isn't for you. If you're not into reading dozens of journals, a variety of extra-fat law textbooks and perfect your presentation/debate/negotiation skills, then becoming a lawyer is not for you. The second part is all about sacrifice: not putting in the excruciating, long periods and pretty much suspending your social life and enjoyment far into the future, despite not getting any gratification for all the colossal amounts of achievements and investments of time & resources, then means that becoming an entrepreneur is not your cup of tea. Work hard and in a number of years, your success will take off, all the way to the stratosphere, below God. Work hard.
Third, keep and develop your faith . Life brings us down, shoots us up and then slams us down again. If you don't believe in anything, you'll go crazy! When you believe in God, a problem may be temporary, even though you're in a messed up situation. God provides and everything that occurs on Earth is under his continuous observation and judgement. No one loves and cares for us as much as Heaven does, but to prove worthy of such blessing, we must be and remain faithful, no matter the difficulties faced. A lot of people hate. They fight their inferiority of you by bringing you down and so feel better about themselves. Pathetic, but true. Faith navigates you passed the haters and to your success. You could have the whole world laugh at you: with your faith , you will always have the last laugh!
Fourth, you need to hang in there. Not everything will come at once. You will often have to stick it out and hustle, regardless. In society, hustlers are perceived negatively. In performance circles, hustling is highly prized. Love 'em or hate 'em, the blue chip company executives are at the top of their game, primarily because of one mentality: the drive to hustle and make big things happen and never concede to defeat. When they fail, they go back to the drawing board, then head back out there and kick some derriere. You learn how to hustle in direct sales on a commission-only basis over at least a year of 60 hour working weeks. It builds up your high-pressure-withstanding capability, toughens you up and teaches you rudimentary human psychology and advanced social influence skills - which are invaluable qualities in top service sector. In self-empowerment, two things recur to you, forever, until you die: change and failure. Things will always change and you will always fail. It's what you do with it, in between and through those moments that define you as a winner or loser. The only solution to that reality is a powerful skill to persevere. Most people try, a few of them finish. It's the maintained perseverance that made the minority the victors.
Fifth, you must follow your opportunities. You never know where what opportunity will lead you to and/or will do for you, but you must receive it to go on to the brighter phase. I'm an opportunist. I'm proud to be one. I've experienced the fall that comes with pride and it hasn't been nice, at all. However, here I am today and I believe in the best of opportunities simply because I believe that my opportunities and those I will find, will take me to my self-promised land where I will be free and happy. Opportunities are available to everyone and don't make preferences to people. It's like they say, 'Opportunity only knocks once.' Opportunists aren't bad people for going for more. They just take your opportunities that you decide not to take and make the best of them. Don't hate the player if (s)he is beating you at your own game. Opportunities can only be accessed and exploited through hard work, faith and stamina. That's all to it. All of my success 'til date are opportunities I made the most of. There are a lot of opportunities in the world, but your mindset is what determines whether you'll take your chances or just sit it out, like with the rest of them in the past. I know what I choose to be. What about you?
Last, believe in God. God oversees everyone and everything on this planet. My business is a reward from God. My life story is validated by God. My progression is because of God. My struggles are witnessed by God. Nothing and/or no one escapes him. And he's on our side. We're lucky, right? Tell me about it. Complete the previous 5 steps with respect to your plans, but while you're slugging it out, giving everything you've got and succeeding and failing, offer your all and yourself to him as a need to show him your gratitude for everything he's done and everything that will come. Make God the life chairman of your firm/endeavors and he will reward you richly with the transformation of your activities into resounding success and make you the best MD/C.E.O. you could ever work for. Trust in God and he'll make you live your life his way, thereby giving you joys and wonders far above your expectation or forecasts. The reason I'm here doing what I do, is because of God... because I could have never done everything myself. He opened the doors, paved the ways, lit the darkness and directed me to his promise. He still does and our job is to obey him, because he never leaves us. Do it for yourself if you have to, but offer it all to God, whatever the situations are. God is on our side and we must not let him, who rules above and owns all, be against us... for even that, isn't in his plan.
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.",- Ephesians 6:10-12
Disclaimer: This article is for motivational purposes. I do not accept any liabilities that may arise on your part, for acting on it. And I include this disclaimer because a blogger who doesn't take legalities seriously, is only a conviction waiting to happen. Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features herein are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if I use one of these terms.
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