There is a special type of head line that is long, extends straight across the hand and terminates about ½ inch before the edge of the palm. See a picture at under Articles. Check your own hands to see if you have one. If you, or someone you know has one, ponder the following.

While no one marker in the hand defines a person, some characteristics can be snared in individual markings.

Richard Unger, Director of the International Institute of Hand Analysis, named this head line after the Super Computer in the science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey filmed in 1968. I remember seeing the movie in the theater, but recently watched it again to refresh the details.

HAL 9000 was born in 1992. HAL was the brain and nervous system of the Pan Am space ship that was on a secret mission traveling from Earth to Jupiter.

HAL was the central processing unit that controlled the food supply, fuel consumption, cryogenic human hibernation quarters, pod flight crafts, communications, oxygen, cooling, and everything for the whole space ship. Its job was to detect any problems and flag the errors/failures and malfunctions and to report accordingly.

HAL was highly intelligent. He was the most reliable computer ever made. He was foolproof and incapable of error. HAL was constantly occupied, fully used. ‘He’ talked, he was curious and engaging. He demonstrated emotions so that the crew could better connect with him (perhaps calculated). He knew birth dates and said “Happy Birthday”. He played chess with astronaut Paul (and beat Paul, of course). He asked to see the drawing of one of the artist pilot’s. He recognized faces, voices, emotions, fears and could read lips.

He said, ”I find things difficult to put out of my mind.”

Hal was all about reliability, analysis, facts, and solutions. On a good day, he put things together in orderly fashion. He was the ultimate synthesizer – fusing and blending all the data input to create the appropriate data output.

In the end, having a bad day, HAL went haywire; he no longer had big enough problems to solve. He over analyzed the little problems. He obsessed on what wasn’t working in his relationships with the crew. He actually plotted for and let a crew member get ‘lost in space’ because he thought there was scheming against him – which they was.

Owners of this long head line can care for and feed their HAL 9000 by engaging in big problems. The more complicated the better. Synthesizing pieces of fabric for an elaborate quilt or reorganizing entire corporations may suit Mr. HAL depending on other features in the hands.

The Super Computer head line has definite mental requirements to employ – large, important projects with massive data arrangement.

How much is enough? Watch your own good day and bad day results and adjust your cerebral control panel accordingly.

And some say, “It’s just a movie.”

Author's Bio: 

Kay’s study of hands and intensive course work began in 2003 with Baeth Davis. In 2005 Kay became certified to read hands and finger prints from the International Institute of Hand Analysis (IIHA). After completing her first year of Graduate studies with Richard Unger she began assisting year-long hand analysis study programs. She became an Associate Faculty with the IIHA as an Advanced Hand Analyst in 2007 after completing two years of Graduate studies. Now, Kay has founded and is Director of the American Academy of Hand Analysis teaching others how to analyze hands, decipher finger prints and much more!

In June 2007 she began her rigorous studies and practice in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) also known as “tapping.” She earned her certification in Jun. 2008. She meets privately with clients one on one to assist in the release of stress, anxiety, anger, resentment, guilt and many other barriers to living a fabulous life. She has led workshops to show others how to use EFT as a safe and effective way to achieve personal empowerment.

She has published articles to the Three Rivers Art and Music publication, Three Rivers Commonwealth and her web site. She has lectured for the Three Rivers Woman’s Club, the National Federation Woman’s Group, National Association of US Post Masters and at California State University, Fresno. She was the publisher of the International Institute of Hand Analysis Alumni Newsletter for two years. She graduated from California State University with a B.S. Degree in Electronics in 1988.

Kay is a Pioneer on the life path of Service. She is a guide for positive change and wants everyone to unlock their personal freedom that is literally encoded in their hands and fingerprints.