Do you enjoy taking a look at what is coming your way? Have you used astrology or other tools for seeing the flow of your year? Do you take the time to see how the energy is flowing before you are in the middle of it?

There used to be a time where I was all over every aspect, influence, and planetary shift that was going on. I think I pretty much lived my life by whatever the sky said was happening. Part of this, may have been related to my early connection or life connection to Astrology . For as long back as I can remember, I was always interested to read the horoscope in the paper and to understand how the sky could tell us what was going to happen.

Now, it is interesting that even with time; and shifting my focus to living in the moment and through presence, I still enjoy keeping aware of things that are happening with the planets. Certainly, it is not at the pace that I once did; however, I still see that there is a strong influence in things. I can still see the validity and accuracy that is shown; and the information that we can gain from them to understand everything from personal cycles to global influences and generational trends.

Many times I have taken a look at what was happening with the planets to have a better insight as to what might be the wisest choice in any given moment. This is one of the things that I really love about astrology . It looks at what is coming to help us operate wiser in the moment. Now while nothing is absolute, and it is important to look at how this information relates to us individually; and not just as a general grouping, there does seem to be a great amount of accuracy to it.

Sharita Starr is one person that has really focused on what the planets are doing; and helps others to understand their own self and guide them in choices that are wise for them individually, and not just as someone under a particular sign. She teaches them not just about astrology ; but self understanding, cycles, and being in flow with the universe.

What a beautiful approach to take with astrology. I have found astrology to be both science and a spiritual practice that leads one on a personal journey that increases their connection to the Divine and being in Divine Flow here on Earth. Since there is so much more than just signs to this art and science; it challenges us to be willing to surrender on one hand and to be co-creative or pro-active on another. A look at one’s chart for me is to choose to operate from wisdom , to be in flow instead of forcing one’s will.

This is a great lesson; for it is about learning to work with what we have going on, and not to fight it. When it is a time for rest, then rest is what we need to surrender to; and when it is a time for action, then it is wise to take advantage of that as well. Becoming masterful at this art of flow, is to experience connection; and from this space we can act wisely with presence. I see astrology as a tool for us to understand and look at what we are dealing with.

This is no different than understanding people around us; the more we do this, the more we can find our flow with them even when they are someone we may not want to hang out with all the time. To know the energy at hand, is to create the opportunity to choose wisely; and to also know oneself, and what we will need to function in a given situation or through a period of time. It is like taking a trip and knowing not only where you are going; but what the weather will be like and the types of activities available to you. If you are attending a formal event you want to have the attire needed for that; and on the other hand if you are hanging at the beach all day, then you know you can leave that formal attire at home.

How have you used forecasting to assist you in your life? How has astrology or knowing planetary influences helped you in your life? Do you take the time to really look at your personal year or calendar year in order to set your flow for that year?

Jesse Ann Nichols George

Code Interpretor

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Airs Friday at:4:30pm - 6:30pm EST, 3:30pm - 5:30pm CST, 2:30pm - 4:30pm MST, 1:30pm - 3:30pm PST–a-look-at-2016-with-sharita-starr

The show will also be in the archives at this same link if you miss the live show

Author's Bio: 

Jesse Ann Nichols George is the author of 4 books, which are founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life; as well as to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment. In addition she is a collaborator on “Embraced by the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway To Power, Passion, and Purpose”. She created of The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour. Jesse is a Code Interpretor with over 33 years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes and helping them to work with their best influences and to strongly connect with Divine Flow. She is a 13th+ generation spiritual healer, energy tuner, life/relationship/spiritual and wellness coach, holistic and natural lifestyle advisor. She is also a 13th+ generation Druidic practitioner; honoring and appreciating the harmony of all things. Her work encompasses practices from Eastern and Western philosophies. Jesse is a speaker and also hosts her own radio show. You can learn more about the work that she is doing at