Renting a self-storage unit is the easy part; the hard part is planning what goes inside the unit, and how to transport it. You’ll also want to pack everything correctly so that it does not get spoilt when in storage. Given the fact that everything from electronics to clothes and other stuff requires a slightly different approach, it is important to take some time out to plan and then walk through the right steps.
Fortunately, if you plan everything correctly moving much of your stuff into a self-storage unit does not have to be stressful or difficult. Our suggestion is to start with a checklist and run through it. Below are a couple of things we suggest should be part of your checklist but feel free to add stuff on your own too.

Start with a Realistic Budget

You will want to start by planning for important expenses, and the best way is to create a budget for moving. That budget should have a bit of wiggle room for variables like food, gas, and boxes, etc. When you create a budget, it helps you save some money during the process.

Organize Everything

The key to the successful relocation of your stuff into a self-storage unit is organization. Start by making a list of everything that needs to be moved into the unit. The items may include getting packing, moving supplies, even paying for the unit’s rental, a truck to move the stuff, hiring movers and everything else associated with moving items. The checklist will ensure that your move is as smooth as possible, not to mention ensuring that you don’t forget stuff.

Plan Ahead of Time

Once you have settled on a moving date its time to plan. Start by researching all the self-storage facilities near you, then reserve a storage unit to guarantee it will be available. If you’re moving heavy and large items like the dining table, dressing table, couches a truck is essential, so reserve that too. That way everything will be available on the day you’re moving everything to the storage unit.

Start Packing Early and Not Quickly

The biggest mistake you can make is waiting for the last moment to pack, and that would often mean that you’re racing against the clock. Packing quickly is often not efficient and will lead to many issues later on. So, you’ll want to start packing early and breaking your packing off into little bits. That way, when the time comes, everything is ready to be moved.

Get Help if Needed

If you are like most people asking someone for help may not be easy, but trying to move everything on your own isn’t always a good idea. To avoid unnecessary stress, it is vital to ask friends and family for help. Many people have moved at least once, and so if those people can spare some time, it will help you move more efficiently. You can also sweeten the deal with the lure pizza, beers, etc.

Do You Have a Plan B?

Even though you are not going to need a full-blown backup plan for moving everything into self-storage, yet it is vital to be prepared for when things go sideways. For instance, what is your plan B for if the movers don’t show up or your friend who is supposed to drive you falls ill? Having a backup plan ensures that your plan to move isn’t abruptly postponed, which can have a cascading effect on other aspects of your life.

Declutter Your Home

As you start the packing process, you might also want to take this opportunity to clear out all the clutter, and that way move only what you really need and not stuff which is more or less junk. For instance, anything you have not touched in a year is most probably junk, and you are better off donating it or discarding it.

Put Together a Moving Day Survival Kit

A survival kit is important, and putting one together shouldn’t be all that difficult because all that’s required is some water, sandwiches, and perhaps beer! You may also want to pack a phone charger, documents, and some cash for a couple of other stuff which may be needed.

Make Sure You are Well Rested

The best way to ensure that your moving is stress-free is to get enough sleep. You will want to sleep well and long, especially the night before the scheduled move. Don’t make the mistake of sleeping less as that will only result in you having to work harder on the day of the move than you have to. Not to mention that a large move can often burn you out. So, sleep should be a priority. That said if you’re only moving a few things into self-storage then that shouldn’t require that you take the time out to fully recharge but doing so can’t do any harm either.

Reward Yourself for a Job Well Done!

Make sure to plan how to reward yourself for all the hard work put into the move. What will you treat yourself to? A nice dinner, pizza perhaps or a massage ? Regardless of what that reward is planning to reward yourself will help keep you motivated as you look forward to it. Not to mention that for many people who are doing something stressful, it helps to relieve stress. After all, who does not want a treat after a hard week’s work?


Moving stuff into self-storage can be a pretty hectic job. Planning how you will do it right down to the smallest details can be very helpful. The one thing you should always do is to keep a to-do list and a checklist. Tick off every task as you complete it. That should help keep you on track and will ensure that you don’t forget to do something important along the way.

Author's Bio: 

Peter Dimaira is a Red Bank NJ-based freelance writer and blogger who appreciates lending his voice to a variety of publications and organizations. When he manages to stop gazing into a screen, he enjoys reading, babying his rescued greyhound and teaching.