Physical Mediumship is the ability to work through mental and physical energies to contact the energies that are not visible to the human eye. It involves a person that has the knowledge and energy to contact the other side. Not everyone can become a physical medium. It takes a certain element of energy and understanding. There are a couple of elements that need to be present to be a Physical Medium. First there has to be the energy which comes from the sun and the earth. Second, it acts as a connection between the spirit and body. As in all psychic things there has to be a bridge between both spirit and earthly body. This is done with the help of a medium. Most often the Physical Medium is in a state of trance but it is not required for this. A trance is like being asleep but knowing what is going around you. Most physical things happen in darkened rooms where there is nothing to disturb them. This gives the medium the opportunity to be one with the energies that are guiding the session. The spirit operators as they are known take energy from the medium. This is known as ectoplasm. It is this ectoplasm that the spirits manipulate to give the medium information. This ectoplasm is usually secreted through the nose or mouth. Sometimes it comes out near the navel since it is the center of the spirit energy. Through the Physical Medium objects can be moved and things can be levitated. This is not an unusual thing to happen when the medium is in a trance. These objects can weigh from a few ounces to several hundred pounds. The ectoplasm is invisible and you really can’t tell except for the objects being lifted. It is a remarkable trait in someone that is a physical medium. Physical Mediums also have been known to have direct voice. The spirit operators use something like a voice box and can communicate with the people that are present. You can hear the strength and voice change as the energy level changes. It is this that a lot of people are looking for when going to a Physical Medium. It can call up certain spirits sometimes. Spirits sometimes cause things to appear to people in the room. Sometimes there is tapping and with some practice they can be communicated with. Also there have been reports of light being emitted while a reading is happening. You can never tell what is going to happen when you have a Physical Medium do a reading for you. There is one last thing that I would like to mention. Physical Medium transformation . There have been countless reports of mediums taking the shape of other people during a reading. There have been full body sightings as well as face recognition. This should give you an idea of Physical Mediumship and you can decide when you want it.
Rachel Ann is a Reiki Master and writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry, promoting the discovery of the personal spiritual path, and recommends the following sites:
Expert UK psychic readings sites psychics
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spiritual readings site psychic reading
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