1 Personal Year—This is a powerful year of change and responsibility for you. You have been growing in confidence and clearing out much of your insecurity and hesitation from the past. Now you are feeling the drive to face new challenges and obstacles with strength and poise. You have witnessed how others have used their will to impose authority and control. You are careful now to be considerate toward others while being strong and convincing. By the time this year is over you will have moved into new heights of leadership and responsibility. The rewards will be more than worth the efforts. This can be the start of a grand cycle of accomplishment and attainment.
Your contact with unique and accomplished personalities is an inspiration and encourages you to embark upon a project that was placed on hold a long time ago. You find yourself meeting more compatible associates, which make your efforts even more successful. This is an excellent cycle to attract funding and support for the things you want to get done. You find yourself becoming more informed about economics, finances and the administration of technology and distribution of energy. For those that have done their personal growth homework, this can be a time of applying the higher laws of manifestation and prosperity .
2 Personal Year—As this year progresses, you find yourself becoming increasingly comfortable with yourself and who you are. As a result you get along with others more easily and effectively. No need for excessive ego, betraying your boundaries, trying to please others or giving in to avoid confrontation. As a result, you find yourself with other people who are also comfortable with themselves; thus, a bond of cooperation and sharing leads to great exchanges of friendship , association, discovery and elaboration of life and dream enfoldment. You can expand your social, community and institutional influence by living true to your inner guidance and wisdom .
You sense a greater balance in your life and seem to become increasingly in rhythm with your inner and outer worlds. For the awakening souls there could well be a more conscious dance with inner beings and the outer world. You may find yourself becoming more active in social and community matters as you realize just how badly things have gotten out of control. Times and circumstances may require rapid adaptation to global and national changes in policy and programs. You are increasingly cognizant of abuse in authority and power and are careful to protect your rights and privileges of citizenship in this world.
3 Personal Year—You are growing stronger emotionally and becoming less willing to be negatively influenced by those who would not do you well. You are keenly aware of the patterns of emotional abuse, and stand up against those who misuse their power and authority to bring emotional havoc upon others. Your capacity for expressing a broader range of true feelings attracts more meaningful people and opportunities into your life. You will have the chance to enjoy an increased income and potential for prosperity even as the financial world around you goes into a tailspin.
Creative inspirations abound, and there is a good chance of putting some of this together in a way to bring additional income along with fun and pleasure. You are beginning to better grasp the life process and make more positive and productive decisions. Love and romance can blossom for many of you now if you have prepared yourself for having a mature and meaningful partnership. Sexual energy and passion can easily be channeled into good sex and elevation to higher dimensions of universal creativity. Things like proper Tantra , kundalini activation and intuitive expansion catch your attention.
4 Personal Year—Who has been running your life? Maybe it has not been you, Maybe you have been rebelling against the rate that you feel was thrown at your door. Maybe you have been angered at the meager blessing seen to have come your way. You can make significant progress toward understanding why you are here and what it is that you can get done to bring you great satisfaction in your life. Whatever your spiritual or religious path, this is a time of inner direction and purpose coming to the surface. It is a fortuitous time to step out into a more focused and productive period of purpose and pronounced prestige.
On a simple mundane level, if you are oppressed or frustrated with you job, this is a time to be aware of why you attract limitation and do something about getting out of such a negative spiral. Perhaps you had an oppressive authoritarian parent against whom you still rebel like a child. Perhaps your parent(s) work kept them from giving to you the basic emotional needs. You have the chance to make positive career and life purpose changes that will bring additional success and happiness for years to come.
5 Personal Year—Maybe you have been having guilt when playing and having fun. From somewhere you keep getting a message that says you should be doing something productive and getting some important work done. Perhaps you childhood training emphasized all work and no play. Perhaps you have become dull, Johnny. This is a good time to get to the core of your ambivalence and allow yourself to be free, funny and fantastic. An examination of how authority might have been improperly administered can go a long way toward releasing old patterns of guilt, anger and resentment.
You get away safari’s into adventure land may turn out to be the best investment of this year. As you travel, tour, mix and mingle, your lighter side recognizes an opportunity that might just prove to be very valuable. You can turn a play time realization into profit, practical and the profound. You might just strike gold with an idea that is launched while visiting a foreign country or unfamiliar environment. It may just occur to you that the light can come when you nurture the light side!
6 Personal Year—You may find yourself in conflict of interest issues with those close to you in your life. Who exactly is in charge of your life? Is it you? If not, you might want to look at the misuse of control and authority in your parent’s relationship. You have most likely been living by their example and letting someone else control and manipulate you. Then again, you may realize you are the culprit. Once so recognized, you can change the story line. You are becoming more connected and trusting of healthy feelings and taking mastery of your life.
For many of you marriage, commitment and ceremony will come your way as this year progresses. The marriage between your inner male and inner female catches your attention more as you strive to make it balanced and in harmony. The process of healing also is more meaningful in your life whether it be your own, the planets, with animals or becoming part of an institution which genuinely cares for mother earth. You will have to wade through mountains of public relations jabber to find the institutions that are for real when they talk about ecology and ecosystems.
7 Personal Year—For many of you this will be a year of testing faith, trust, integrity and honor. Our picture of the universe and our relationship to it will be substantially altered before this year comes to an end. The religious roots of faith will be sorely tempted on a grand scale as our grasp of science and the paranormal bend ever closer toward altering our perception of the mystical and transcendental. If your faith has been in governments and institutional care taking, you will most likely experience deep disillusionment. If you clasp to the persona and public relations image of those in charge, you may be in for some big surprises.
If you are seeking to find connection and faith in that eternal part of your own Self, you may find extraordinary leaps in understanding and comprehension of how spirit, soul and celestial laws of evolution and harmony really operate. The higher laws do prevail even though in our distorted and flawed human perception we often miss the signposts and obvious truth right in front of us. You will find an opportunity now to not only believe, but discover that you can be the living truth through action and deed.
8 Personal Year—Among other things, this is a year of power, progression, prestige, promotion and prosperity . Your underlying issue is authority, power and the administering thereof. If things are out of balance, a good place to start is to look back at how authority was administered by your parents (too much, too little, abusive, controlling, mindful of you or just concern with their position of domination, etc.) The bottom line is to find connection to your inner source of empowerment and contentment with authority that comes from connection to your highest Source of guidance.
As this year progresses, you will witness a massive break down of government, church, educational, commercial and institutional authority around the world. In the chaos and confusion who do you call? When it is clear that most others fail, you have yourself. This is a time for promotion and recognition from others that you have been doing a good job and deserve to be given a place of greater leadership and control. Perhaps you may join the confusion, dysfunction and abuse of power within the system. Or, if you have been doing healthy preparatory work upon yourself, you will adjust and succeed with flying colors in a constructive and beneficial manner.
9 Personal Year—This can be a time of loss, or it can be a time of discarding (for many of you there will be both). Maybe you have avoided dealing with what is right in front of you and passed over troubles with an idealistic flair and hidden denial. True, it is not a perfect world. However, it can be an honest, open and cooperative world. That, too, has its limitations when surrounded by a group of vipers. You are learning to release and discard those things in your life which no longer serve you in a healthy and beneficial way. If you have come from a severely dysfunctional background you may not even know what healthy and beneficial is.
You may not attain perfection, nor find perfect associates or companions in life. You can, however, find your true Self and be true to your Self. Not always so easy, but more possible now than in a long time perhaps. If you clear out the garbage within yourself and in your life you are just likely to find that true sparkling gem that you are shining through the gross and darkness of the world around you. It is time to shine brightly little star.


Author's Bio: 

Lynn Buess MA, EdS brings a very unique background to his fifty plus years study of numerology and the wellness process of self growth. During his earlier years he studied multiple theories of esoteric and metaphysical subjects including eastern religion and philosophies, reincarnation, astrology, and yogism to mention a few. His academic years in pursuit of three degrees in Psychology took him into humanistic psychology, transpersonal psychology and parapsychology studies as well.
This academic experience, along with personal studies and mystical events and glimpse into cosmic consciousness, has given him an extraordinary perspective into the understanding of human psychology and experience. As a one time practicing psychotherapist and alternative wellness practitioner, he applied the art of multiple healing modalities in seeking to practice the most efficient techniques of healing and well being.
Lynn’s experience of practice in numerous nationalities adds to his scope of human nature and depth of insight into generations of family dysfunction and growth. Having come from a family of alcoholism and other toxic patterns he was eventually introduced to the issues of Adult Children of Alcoholism and the multiple dysfunctions of alcohol, drugs, sexual and codependent behavior. Much of his practice dealt with these common social behavior patterns.
Lynn served as a military intelligence special agent during his early adulthood. His experience conducting thousands of background investigations and performing the duties of security and counter espionage taught him to recognize many hidden irregularities and deceptive practices used by institutions and people in the position to misuse and abuse power. Having this professional investigative background enables him to identify issues that are frequently unrecognized or ignored by members of the general public.
This unique and varied cornucopia of internal mystical experiences and external life circumstances is reflected in the vastly expanded viewpoint he brings to the field of numerology and his wellness professionalism. Lynn is able to examine numerical cycles and deftly apply then in analyzing individual intervals of life circumstance, or national and international events taking place in the world around us.