House moves are among the top five most-stressful life-changing events a person can experience, alongside the divorce, sudden unemployment, loss of a family member and long-term illnesses. There are many reasons behind the need for home relocation, some good, some not so much but once started the moving process is inevitable. For parents, these times are especially hard. Children are considered to be much stronger and adaptable than adults, but even they buckle under the pressure of having to live in a new place. And we are specifically talking about removals to Bournemouth. This coastal town is a beautiful place to do business and establish new relationships, but when you are a meter high this concrete jungle can be the scariest place in the world. The aftereffect from the moving process for a young child can vary from a light mood change to a severe depression . That is why it is important for parents to understand the signs and act quickly. We will look at the various ways a home relocation can affect children of different ages, and what parent can do to minimise the psychological impact on their youngsters.

How House Moving Can Affect Your Toddler

Let’s start with the good news. Children under the age of five have a shorter attention span and their brain’s capability of creating memories is not fully developed yet. This means this is the perfect age for a house relocation. However, be prepared that they might experience a slight shock after the move since the whole relocation process will distort their daily routine. Kids are creatures of habit, and the ongoing changes might affect them. Parents need to stay on the lookout for the following signs:
• Children start to get more nervous and frequently have tantrums for no apparent reason.
• If toddlers are potty trained, they might start to wet the bed again.
• Children can become clingier and demand constant attention. They will seek the security of their parents and can even start sucking their thumbs again.
• In a desperate attempt to receive attention, some children start with the baby talk again.

What can a parent do if their child exhibits one or more of the listed stress symptoms?

It is simple, they need to spend more time with their kids in the security of their own home. Parents must show to their children that the new place is not scary and they can feel equally comfortable here as they were at the old house. A good trick is to tell bedtime stories about other children or fictional characters that have changed homes. At this age, the bond between parents and children is extremely strong. New things must be avoided, as tempting as a walk in the nearby Bournemouth gardens sounds it is an additional stress factor. The unknown is scary, so toddlers should be slowly introduced to the outside world.

Young Children React Differently to Change

The older a child gets, the harder the transition becomes. From ages, five to twelve kids start to develop their own personality and social skills. They start to have more friends and want more freedom. This means they will have a hard time separating from their little social circle, leaving everything they have ever known behind. Children can exhibit some of the following behaviour changes:
• Night terrors can occur frequently. This will make the child anxious and easily startled.
• Insomnia is another symptom that leaves the children exhausted and can lead to depression or other mental health problem.
• Some children refuse to eat which can have a devastating effect on their health.
• Another sign of a mental problem caused by the change of scenery is the pulling of hair, frequent nail or lip biting.
• At school children can exhibit aggressive and dangerous behaviour.
• Other character-changing symptoms include but are not limited to, shyness, lack of concentration, sudden loss of interest in all previous hobbies.
To minimise the stress and anxiety caused by the house move, all relocation plans need to be made with the children’s well-being in mind. That said, parents need to involve their kids in the process. Ask for their opinion and accept their ideas. Take into consideration when is the best time to move in accordance with the children’s school schedule. After the adaptation period ends, is good to enrol the children in new activities. There are numerous clubs and activity centres in Bournemouth, that can provide parents with the help they need.

House Moving with a Teenager

Being a teenager is hard for so many reasons - the body starts to change, sudden mood changes occur, the hormones are just starting to work in their mysterious ways. Moving to a different city at this age starts to get easier. Parents can talk to their teens and properly explain why it is necessary to relocate. The fact that with age the communication between children and parents becomes better doesn't help relieve the stress. On the contrary, now that teenagers understand the financial and social situation of their families , home removal can have a negative effect on their development.
• When teens lose their social circle of friends, they can close themselves from the world, stop communicating and fall into depression .
• If the teen is suffering from the inside, their grades will show it. The sudden loss of interest and the falling scores are often caused by the home change.
• Eating disorders are also common.
• Problems at school, aggressive behaviour and bullying are strong indicators that the young adult has problems adapting and is in desperate need of help.
Talking to an angry teenager is as productive as asking a baby to draw a masterpiece. Nobody will go nowhere. Parents need to try speaking openly without nagging or attacking their kids. The times are difficult, change is difficult, they need to try to make the best of it, with what they have got. A good advice is to seek professional help. There are many mental health professionals in Bournemouth that work specifically with children and teenagers.

The Role of the Parent

Parents will care for their children their whole life. They will love them and support them no matter what. That is why during hard times like the move to Bournemouth or any other place in the world, parents have a key role. This is not always an easy task. The adaptation period can be hard for both sides. However, some things can significantly ease the relocation and transition process.
• Children regardless of their age need time to get used to their new surroundings. Parents shouldn't force them right away to attend school or kindergarten. The best actions are to take a week off and spend time with the kids and have a fun time at home. Arrange the new place, explore the neighbourhood and use these few days to strengthen the parent-child bond.
• Although having lots of out of school activities is good for the overall development of children, it has to be done slowly and carefully. Too many changes can seriously disrupt the kids. Take it one step at a time.
• Parents should spend as much time as possible around their children. This will calm the kids and give them a sense of security. Check online what are the best places to go in Bournemouth, plan a family weekend together and try to leave the stress and anxiety behind.

Always be as firm and sincere with your children as possible. As long as they feel, you love them and you are there for them, everything will be alright.

Author's Bio: 

Stephanie Cooper is a blogger and a professional content writer. She loves to write and her goal is to help people. She is currently working for one of the biggest moving companies in Bournemouth - Orbis Movers.