One of the effects of alcoholism is depression . It can be brought to an end. I don't have any kind of personal experience with alcoholics anonymous (AA) but I have read some articles about it. I have read articles on how some people achieved sobriety through Alcoholics Anonymous. The book written by Wilson and other members called 'The Big Book', (Alcoholics Anonymous) contains true stories of men and women who have managed to recover from alcoholism.

For that matter, there are some people who want to recover from alcoholism but they haven't thought about alcoholics anonymous or they're not aware that it does exist. Of course, every person has to decide for themselves when they're ready to get help. Alcoholism will make a person to be depression and this can really ruin his life.

To some extent, if someone is not ready to seek help in order to recover from alcoholism, then he is probably not going to accept any help till he has made up his mind. However, there are some people who aren't aware that they have come close to hitting bottom or they're doing something harmful to themselves. There are also a lot of people who can't control themselves drinking alcohol and they end up being depressed. These are the kind of people Alcoholics Anonymous program is targeting to help.

Alcohol arguably ranks as one of the most harmful substance abused although it is legal. Of course, I'm not arguing that it should not be legal but people who have a problem as a result of drinking much alcohol absolutely need to get help. Once drunkards are behind the wheel of a car, it might already be too late. Another problem with alcoholism is that it affects families financially and psychologically.

If you're struggling with alcohol addiction and you're depressed by it, you might not be ready or willing to admit it to people around you. However, it is advisable for you to get help, and the early you do that the better. You can get this help from Alcoholics Anonymous without letting your family and friends know about it until you're ready to tell them.

As difficult as it can be to admit that you have alcohol drinking problem, it can be even tougher to tell everyone else about it. With Alcoholics Anonymous, you can get the help you need without disclosing it to anyone who you don't want to know as already mentioned above.

You may not be sure where to start from but you can find the information you need for you to get help easily. You can look up Alcoholics Anonymous in your local phone directory or on the internet and they're not going to tell anyone you have inquired about their program when you call them.

Alcoholics Anonymous can help you overcome alcohol and depression as they have helped many addicts. The good thing is that they understand from personal experience how important it is to keep your drinking problem to yourself until you're ready to speak to people around you about it.

There are some people who create controversy about Alcoholics Anonymous but the truth is that AA has definitely managed to help thousands of people over the years to recover from alcoholism.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article is Joshua Nyamache and together with other team members they are working on Nikenya website, a website that you connect with friends and read articles on how to overcome loneliness and depression , doing more work in less time, achieving dreams, how to get out of debt and many more articles that give you useful information to inspire you in achieving self-improvement.