With your globally accepted credit card, you always have the right payment method at your fingertips. If won't have that kind of credit card then go here Milestoneapply.com and apply for a card even if you have a bad credit history.
A certain lifestyle
Thanks to credit cards and PrePaid cards, cashless payment is the simplest thing in the world. You too can benefit from the many advantages offered in collaboration with MasterCard and Visa. Whether it's cashless shopping, online shopping, booking a flight to New York or paying for a drink at the hotel bar.
Banks uses cutting-edge technologies to continue to improve the quality and versatility of your card. It is particularly important for us to guarantee your security, as it is a top priority for online purchases.
Pay cashless
No more worrying about carrying enough cash with you. Now you can pay almost anything with your credit card or PrePaid card - at over 43 million points of sale around the world. In hotels, restaurants and shops, but also at machines or in service stations and car parks. And with one, you keep full control of your spending at all times.
If your card is lost or stolen, there is no risk of financial damage to you, unlike with lost or stolen cash. If you have complied with the due diligence obligations, we take responsibility for fraudulent transactions and reimburse you for the amount of the damage.
Pay without contact
Have you ever paid without contact? So give it a try. All you need to do is briefly hold your card near the payment terminal. You can pay amounts up to CHF 80.– quickly and easily, without having to enter the PIN. For higher amounts, entering the PIN or signing is required.
Contactless transactions are as secure as regular card payments and are subject to the highest international standards. During transmission, your data is dynamically encrypted. Identification and validation take place in just a few seconds via radio technology (NFC). If you have complied with the due diligence obligations, you assume no liability for any financial damage.
Pay in foreign currency
No need to change money to get foreign currencies. With your credit card, you always have the change you want with you. If necessary, you can also raise temporarily the limit of your credit card. This guarantees you maximum financial flexibility at all times.
• When paying abroad, check the transaction currency displayed on the terminal. More often than not, the purchase amount is indicated in Swiss francs, especially in EU countries. However, the conversion rate applied locally is generally less favorable than the currency rate applied by the Bank.• In the event of a prolonged stay abroad, regularly check the statement of your expenses in the one App and dispute any irregularities in writing with our customer service
within 30 days of the invoice date. Your bill can be checked by someone you trust. For this, however, you must give this person a power of attorney.
Cash withdrawals
With your card and your PIN code, you can withdraw cash in local currency, wherever you are in the world. Withdrawals are debited directly from the bank account when the direct debit function has been activated with form the bank.
Online shopping
You can use your credit card or Prepaid card with confidence for your online purchases. With one, we have developed a new security standard that makes shopping on the Internet simple, fast and safe. Register now and make use of our free digital service too!
An aspiring blogger who is trying to contribute some creativity and innovation to the blogging field.