Oily scalps and hair loss go hand in hand for many people around the world. It may seem that this can only happen to those who live in tropical climates, but this is not true. It seems that if you happen to be born with oily scalp hair loss  or suffer from oily hair loss, then you are doomed to oily hair loss. This may make sense to you because it is logical that if your scalp gets oily it would result in hair loss.

There are two common types of oily hair loss; seborrheic dermatitis and sebaceous cystitis. Seborrheic dermatitis results from overproduction of sebum, which is a natural oil produced by the sebaceous glands in the scalp and hair. The oil blocks hair follicles resulting in the thinning of hair. For this reason seborrheic dermatitis often produces a grayish build up of material on the scalp and bald patches.

It does not take long for oily hair loss to occur in most people. Typically, the condition occurs when the body is struggling with an overload of hormones. For instance, during pregnancy women produce more estrogen and other hormones. These help to make the scalp more oily than usual, leading to the condition.

In addition, women will often use hot comb or blow dryers during pregnancy and will also put their hair in tight curls, thereby drying out the scalp. With oily hair loss, it is important to moisturize and massage the scalp regularly. It will be necessary to cleanse the hair regularly with an oil-free shampoo, as well as use a leave-in conditioner once a week. Since hair tends to become drier as it falls out, shampooing it more frequently will allow the conditioner to work deeper into the hair shaft and will prevent oil from building up.

It is important to note that oily hair does not equate to hair loss. Oily hair, in fact, is often a sign of healthy hair that has not been exposed to harsh shampoos and products. Therefore, a visit to your dermatologist should provide you with helpful information on how best to manage your hair. In addition, there are many products on the market that are gentle to oily hair, although it is still a good idea to avoid using these products if you suffer from other types of hair loss, as the chemicals contained within may further damage the hair.

It is also important to recognize that oily hair is normal. In fact, it is more common than you might think. In addition, there are many products on the market that will help oily hair to get a good flow and help it look its best. If you have oily hair, it is important to remember that there is no need to be embarrassed about the condition and there are plenty of options out there to take care of the problem. So, keep an open mind and remember that oily hair loss can be overcome!

Author's Bio: 

I am Rehan Hasan! SEO Specialist, Digital Marketer, Contributor, Entrepreneur and an engineer by profession. I've had a passion for Tech and always been deeply interested in Computers, Actually it is my hobby, my work and my life. Also I've been proved myself as a Competitive and Promising SEO Freelancer in a short span of time.I am an author and regular contributor of a lots of high authority sites.

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