Dreams do come true, if not all but the dream of having a home that looks different from the rest with having walls that are nowhere to be found would definitely be true as the facility of having customised wallpaper makes it easy to have a wall mural that comes straight out of your imagination .

Wallpapers are not merely the wall covering but it serves much greater functionality. Earlier in the old times, wallpapers were a thing only for the merchants to cover the small rooms and it wasn't used by the elites or aristocrats. The wallpapers used to be of small sizes and in black and white shades. But slowly and gradually by the beginning of the 20th the wallpapers started getting much value, its production increased and people of every social strata started applying wallpapers on their drawing room, kitchen, bedrooms, office space and also it began to be used in the commercial space. And with technological advancement, creating wallpapers with a variety of colours, prints and patterns is made easy.

The wallpapers started to replace the use of the traditional way of painting the wall with plain colours or having a bare minimum design that can be done with paints as they are easy to install, protect the wall as well as easy to remove. And for the advantage of that one is left with the choice of easily changing the vibe of the room in no time. Now the cutting edge technology has made it effective in producing wallpapers in a much more creative way, in just the way one would want it to be, to be more specific. High quality customised designs are hence produced meeting the creative imagination of a person by several wallpaper services.

Get a creative set up with customized wallpaper

How about you having a home with each room adorned with aesthetic and creative wallpaper and you invited your friends over and they are just in awe of your place? Also consider some of 'em are not even blinking their eyes as they are so captivated with the interior decoration of your house. Yes, such is the place we crave to live and such is the power of interior decor which needs to be done in an astonishing way to create a beautiful ambience where we live. Isn't it amazing to have a personal space that lifts up the spirit of the environment and the premium quality customized wallpapers just add a lavish touch to the rooms.

One can scroll up to Instagram and Pinterest to get inspiration of the aesthetic and lively room decor and along with applying the customized wallpapers can finish off the interior decor in the most eye pleasing way by placing all the furnitures and other decorating accessories in contrast to one another in the proper way and curate your own paradise to live. Why just be in awe of the houses that you see on TV or on social media when you can every easily own one of such beautiful houses with beautiful rooms with your very own customized wallpapers.

One may contact SNG Royal to get the premium quality customized wallpaper for home and office.

Enables the option to choose your own type of wallpaper

Wallpapers come in a variety of types and with the help of customized wallpaper one can actually have their own creative design print in their chosen type of wallpaper. With the help of cutting edge technology and the increased production capabilities now the wallpapers can be printed satisfying the need of a person.

Types of wallpaper to choose from are-

Vinyl wallpaper- Vinyl wallpaper is one of most popular types of wallpaper for its easy maintenance, water resistant and it is washable. Vinyl wallpaper is durable.

Printed wallpaper- Printed wallpaper is another commonly chosen wallpaper type by various people because it comes at a cheaper rate and in a variety of hues and shades. But it isn't very much durable and can be used if one is willing to have wallpaper for a short period of time.

Non woven wallpaper- One may opt for non woven wallpaper type for their customized wallpaper if they don't want to go for vinyl. They are made up of synthetic and natural fibers which gives a very nice chic finish and comes in a bit expensive range. They are easily applied on the wall and easy to take down as well.

PVC wallpaper- PVC is another most commonly used wallpaper option for being affordable and easy to maintain. A poly vinyl chloride coating is done on the paper substrate. And on the coating the prints and patterns are printed. It is water resistant. They are being used to hide, many a times, the cracks on the wall.

Grasscloth wallpaper- Grasscloth wallpapers come in a little bit of an expensive side but it is highly textured and provides a well sophisticated and designer touch to the walls. It is composed of natural fibers. They are a bit difficult to maintain and should be handled with care.

Customized wallpaper for office and commercial areas

Since wallpapers now being used as a decorative piece for interior decor and it just didn't stay within the limits of home decor but transcend to provide the offices, shops and restaurants to offer a professional, aesthetic and a luxurious appearance. The offices earlier used to have the dull colours and the interior decor wasn't considered much to be focused on.

Same was the condition of stores as well and for the restaurants it used to cost a lot to decorate it in an aesthetic way. But now the companies understood the impact of interior designing falls directly on the well being of their employees and their level of productivity and the most easy way to get that fresh, fun and stylish touch to the office walls is by applying wallpapers. One may choose how the wallpaper would be that would reflect their personality in the walls of their private office or customize wallpapers according to the focus of their business. One may provide an image that is to be printed on the wallpaper or one may direct the professional wallpaper designer of a wallpaper company to turn your imagination into reality.

Author's Bio: 

Kokil garg is a content marketing specialist at SNG Royal. She has a background in content marketing, storytelling, and journalism. Kokil editorial focus blends Home improvement and creative strategy with topics like 3d wallpaper, imported wallpaper, kids room wallpaper, living room wallpaper.