Nothing is stronger than intuition .
Intuition is what I call "inner trust." Most people, including me, do not trust their intuition even though this inner trust guide is almost always in all ways right. But, you should tune in to your intuition . Author Laura Day in How to Rule the World From Your Couch, explains how your intuition will help you become more powerfully connected to your life. She says that intuition, which women have a stronger sense of, is the staff of success. Bob Scheinfeld in The Eleventh Element, calls intuition the X-factor for success.
Claude M. Bristol in The Magic of Believing, asserts that tapping into the subconscious guide of intuition is the most effective way of bringing into reality what you want. Shoghi Effendi intimated the power of intuition in Five Steps to Problem Solving, a pilgrim note, that you must trust your inner voice.
At early growth stages we are taught to fight intuition. By the time children enter school their intuition begins to suffer because most children are not allowed the free will to follow their inner trust because they are taught to follow the rules. Then, often when a child enters school, robot learning and more rules follow. Not much longer after school control rules, are embedded in one's behavior habits , adults further bury their inner trust with frenetic noise which is often confused with the notion that stress and over-activity is the normal ritual of growing up.
What a crock of deception! Noise and over-activity mask inner trust and cut off your inner hearing like a lap band does the intestine in bariatric surgery. Neither is good for the body.
Nothing is stronger than intuition. This I know for sure.
There have been some recent instances where I knew exactly what to do intuitively and out of poor habit abandoned what i already knew when Itried to ignore my inner trust. Each time that I did, I harmed myself. But, when I followed my intuition, honestly it was the perfect decision.
About a year ago I spent two and a half long days with James Arthur Ray in Atlanta. The sessions were energetic, engaging and well designed to make you a dry pocketed follower. Make no mistake, James Arthur Ray knows how to read people and the energy around them. On day two during an intermission I had the chance to meet him and give him a copy of my book, Climb Every Obstacle: Eliminate Your Limits! Without much mind thought, but clear impressions about energy, James Arthur Ray told me "You already know what to do."
Truth is truth. What he said to me was true. I did already know what to do and so do you. Here are a few ways to boost your intuition:
1. Be still. Take time to listen in quiet certainty.
2. Tune to how you feel. Is your gut quiet or rumbling. Pay attention to that reaction.
3. Keep an intuition journal. This way you will have a source book of how many times your inner trust (intuition) was right.
4. Patience. Have patience with this new habit. It will take some time to undo so many years of rule programming, so keep un-layering and confirming your growth towards solid intuition.
Understand that the right to use intuition is a sacred privilege. Never forsake your inner truth; it will take you to sacred places you have never been before.
Trust yourself and soar!
There is a lot to learn about living a happy, fulfilled life that allows you to take advantage of your passions-Anita Jefferson (the obstacle solver) teaches you how to maximize LIFE!
She is the author of Climb Every Obstacle: Eliminate Your Limits! ( )and makes frequent posts to the Blog Anita Answers on Wordpress.