Kytka and her mother, Anna, have always had a good relationship, but after the birth of Kytka’s first child, they began to slowly drift apart. Kytka became very interested in health, diet, natural home birth, midwifery, breastfeeding, parenting and hygienic lifestyle. The information she found was very different in the way she herself had been raised and Anna followed a more conventional diet and showed much disapproval and concern.
But Kytka had realized early on that this treasure chest of information she had been so blessed to find was worth fighting for! She tried at every meeting to share this information with her sister Kati, and her mother. She put most of her concentration Anna who was diagnosed with Adult onset (or Type 2) Diabetes five years ago. Kytka tried to inform and educate Anna, and share that it was all diet and lifestyle related. She wanted desperately to help her mother. But Anna wouldn’t listen. Recently divorced, Anna found comfort in eating rich and nutritionally deficient foods, fatty foods and a lot of “junk” foods. As she put on more weight her blood sugar rose higher and higher.
At the young age of 55, when Anna’s weight skyrocketed to 230 pounds, she had a stroke. Before this, Anna had never had any health problems and has worked and owned her own businesses her whole life. She had been proud to tell everyone that she had never been hospitalized, or on any medication. But since the Diabetes began, it was a downward spiral of medications and failed dietary experiments until, finally, Anna had a very close call and almost died.
Lying in the hospital bed, realizing how one can get so caught up in unhealthy day-to-day routines and beliefs, Anna made a very important decision. She checked herself out of the hospital, got on an airplane and went 3,000 miles to Seattle to see her daughter Kytka. This was the daughter she was convinced was “too fanatical” and “completely crazy”. This was the daughter she said “lived like a rabbit” and was “denying her poor children and REAL food”.
This was the daughter, she knew in her heart, had the answers.
In Seattle she promised herself to keep her mouth closed and to keep her ears, eyes and heart open. Kytka began by immediately removing all animal products from Anna’s diet. She eliminated all cooked food for the first week. She didn’t allow Anna to dwell or ponder problems, which one cannot change. She instead took Anna for facials and massages at the local beauty and massage schools. The first thing Anna needed to learn was that a healthy body begins with a healthy mind, and a healthy mind comes when one allows oneself to rest and be cared for.
Kytka began to open the doors to the valuable information she had been trying to share with her mother for over seven years. The difference now was that the “fear of facing death” made Anna sit up and listen. Kytka had faith that the truth itself would speak to her mother. Away from her routines, friends and work, Anna had the time to STOP and listen. After hearing the information, as if for the first time, Anna was hungry for more. They went to the library every day and Anna devoured books , cassettes and videotapes in the same way she used to tear through a bucket of fried chicken!
Anna discovered how much value there is in simple truth and common sense. She realized that television and living in a commercial and consumer’s world affects all of our choices. It’s amazing to learn that the “business” of sickness and medicine is a billion-dollar industry in this country. Kytka showed Anna testimonials from hygienic doctors and shared real life stories of patients who cured themselves of our societies worst and most feared diseases. Cancer, Aids, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes… CAN be controlled and in many cases completely diminished in almost everyone just by diet alone.
We watched a fasting video from True North Health and Anna couldn’t believe how the two main characters in the movie had changed at the end of their fast. (Great video, by the way!) We also watched the video “ Diet for a New America” and Anna was shocked when she saw what came out of the arteries of the heart attack patient. She knew right then, before they even said it, that diet was the key to health, good or bad.
For years she had fought with Kytka about the “importance of proteins and meats”, about “the four food groups” etc. Now, while spending a few weeks with Kytka and her healthy family . While seeing how well her children are growing and how radiant her whole family is Anna decided to take the next step. With all of her new knowledge, belief and inspiration , Anna decided to stop looking to Doctors and other “experts” to make her well or give her answers. She decided to take responsibility for herself and make herself well.
They loaded up their car with the whole family and made the 1,300-mile drive to Northern California to True North Health. With a book from the local library on Vegetarian restaurants across the US in hand, they were off. It’s interesting how easy it is to eat healthy on the road. They stopped at local produce stands and filled up their baskets with delicious and ripe seasonal fruits and vegetables. They looked into the phone book of larger towns for health food shops and were pleased that they were plentiful. They tried some excellent new foods at Vegetarian and Vegan restaurants on the way. Making the change wouldn’t be as hard as Anna thought. In fact, it was liberating to not have that full feeling while traveling and to get in some of the local colors while driving. Most car trips in the past had been off the main interstate and through the drive through. This was a perfect example of a new philosophy Anna would embrace: “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey!”
Once at the Center, Anna and her family were made instantly welcome. Anna said she hadn’t looked forward to anything with such excitement since she was a young child. Kytka felt, for the first time since she had moved away from her mother’s house, that her mom would be okay. Funny how kids worry about parents as much as parents worry about their kids! At the center Anna made friends immediately. Everyone is in the same boat, so to speak, so everyone understands and supports what you are going through. That is very important when you are making such a transition. That type of support is very empowering.
Anna’s 21 days of fasting went fairly easily. Her biggest joys were that she is now completely off all of her Diabetic medication and is in control of her health. Her blood sugar remains at a normal rate and it stays there, even when she eats sweet fruit.
She lost a total of 42 pounds while at the center andanother 25 pounds in the 6 weeks she has been back home.
She had minimal discomfort during the fast and didn’t experience any hunger until the very last few days. She made new friends and says that “I learned enough to be a doctor myself.” (smiling) She was very impressed at the level of professionalism at the center and at the knowledge and expertise of the staff. She felt completely safe with resident physicians always near by and agrees that she really did need a good rest. With the nine days of re-feeding, Anna was at the Center for a total of 30 days. Anna adds:
“The best 30 days of my life!”
Living a Hygienic lifestyle, and the new habits she learned at the Center are easy to follow. Food preparation and cleanup is much easier than before and she has more time to pursue other interests. Where she was always tired before, she is now full of energy and vitality. “It’s a complete life change, for the better” Anna says. She has reprioritized her life and goals and wants to help to spread the word. When Anna got out of the Center, complete with the time she had in the hospital after the stroke and the weeks she spent with Kytka in Seattle, she had been away from work for 2 months. She lost her job as a live-in caregiver for an elderly woman.
The “old” Anna would have fallen into a depression and gone on an eating binge, but the “new and improved” Anna sees nothing but opportunity in this event. She spent a few weeks at Kati’s house trying new recipes and sharing knowledge with Kati. “It’s a time for more growth,” she said. “I’ve been fortunate enough to be placed on a different path and this is just an extension of that. I’m blessed that I have 2 wonderful daughters who are so well informed.”
She adds “I can’t wait to meet new hygienic friends and open my home to a few. I’m glad to make life a bit easier and more pleasant for the community of older hygienists”. Anna has set up “Anna’s House: Healthy, Hygienic and Independent Living in St. Petersburg Beach, FL.” This is a resident facility for the elderly folks who are seeking a resident home with like minded individuals where she offers housekeeping, transportation to shopping, events and appointments and, of course, three wonderful, Organic (when available), healthy, and delicious hygienic meals a day.
“Taking all that I have learned from my daughter and at Center saved my life. Being able to share that knowledge and make life a bit more enjoyable and easier is my goal with Anna’s House” said Anna. “I feel so fortunate to have found this information and way of life and I think there is strength in building and creating a community for both our children and our elderly. My daughter, Kytka, is constantly writing and sharing her knowledge. I’m proud that she has educated herself and is raising three healthy hygienic children. Here on the East Coast, I will care for a few elderly folks in my home. Between the two of us, maybe we can make a little change, and the world, a little better place.”
Life goes by quickly, so quickly that many of us just seem to miss it. Then one day, we wake up in the hospital (if we wake up at all), and we realize that it can be so healthy, so abundant and so fulfilling! It’s our choice and our birthright to have a good, healthy and productive life. 35 years ago I gave my daughter life, and 3 months ago, she gave a new life to me. The information she shared with me and all that I learned at the Center is the best gift, the biggest jackpot, and the most wonderful prize of anyone’s dreams .
With my new found health, I have won the ultimate Lotto!
Needless to say, Anna, Kati and Kytka are now closer than ever. They have deepened their bonds and found a new level of respect for one another. Kytka’s children are pleased to have their grandmother well again, who “has so much more energy now that she isn’t chubby!” and “who doesn’t try to make us eat pets anymore!” Kati has already tried many of the recipes from her new Health Promoting Cookbook on her husband and in-laws and is excited to be a part of “Anna’s House”. Anna looks and feels great, better than she has in years. When asked if there is anything any of them would change, they say “nothing at all”. When asked if there is anything any of them would wish for, they all look at each other with mischievous grins and unanimously agree that “a handsome and nice hygienic fellow would be a welcome addition to their family.”
Dr. Kytka's practice is all about knowledge in action. Your partnership with Dr. Kytka & family will enhance your awareness that you have a valuable contribution to make, for your own benefit, for your family and for that of the outside world. This awakening and realization is expected to contribute greatly to your self-esteem; which in turn will encourage you to recover and conserve your own inherent wisdom, gifts, teachings and positively impact culture as a whole. Learn more at