This is part five in a series of articles about trace minerals. My goal has been to share what I have discovered about the importance of trace minerals and how necessary they are in one’s diet. In this article, I will discuss two minerals along with what they contribute to a healthy diet: Fluoride and Silicon. Fluoride is known for helping to strengthen bones and teeth. Silicon is not only known as the beauty mineral, but it also provides numerous health benefits.

Fluoride is an element that the body uses to strengthen bones and teeth. Fluoride has a direct effect on the calcium and phosphate metabolism and in small amounts may reduce osteoporosis. Trace amounts of Fluoride produce stronger tooth enamel. It is also valuable in helping the body strengthen the bones in our bodies. Fluoride is the most important trace element in the body that affects the bones and teeth. Fluoride, along with a large quantity of calcium, is a large part of what makes our bones strong. When one’s body does not receive enough Fluoride, bones start to lose calcium, and then become weak and brittle. However, too much Fluoride has been known to cause heart disease and aggressive behavior in children.

Silicon is the cement that holds the brain together and is high in our genetic sequencing. It is necessary for normal growth and bone formation. With calcium, Silicon is a contributing factor in good skeletal integrity. Silicon is a main component of osteoblasts, the bone forming cells. Silicon may help to maintain youthful skin, hair, and nails. Silicon is also known as a beauty mineral and thus, there are many health benefits of Silicon. It not only causes the strengthening of connective tissues and bones, but is also useful in taking care of nails, hair, and skin. The health benefits of Silicon also play a vital role in the prevention of atherosclerosis, insomnia, skin disorders and tuberculosis. Silicon is a vital trace mineral required by the body for strong and flexible joints, glowing skin and stronger bones.

Well-researched data on ovarian cancer reveals that a simple broken gene is responsible 87percent of the time. This is the most prevalent cancer among women. The one mineral needed to keep the ovarian cancer-connecting gene functioning is Silicon. A telling symptom to observe is fingernail integrity. When fingernails have ridges from front to back, that is a good indicator of low Silicon levels. Chicken skin is high in Silicon. The horsetail herb contains high levels of Silicon.

My SourcesTrace Elements and Other Essential Nutrients, by David Watts

Minerals For the Genetic Code, Charles Walters, Jr.

Dead Doctors Don’t Lie, by Joel D. Wallach and Ma Lan

Minerals, Trace Elements, and Human Health, by Alexander G. Schauss

For the complete book, “Oh! Feeling Pretty! Can Trace Minerals Fight Viruses, Prevent Cancer, and Other Ailments,” click on this link:

Author's Bio: 

Kelley Curl is the author of, “My Curly Hair Self: Living with a Visual Processing Disorder.”