The phrase "My wife left me", has become a common phrase echoed in many Christian homes. While the phrase itself is grammatically small, the implications behind it are rather large. Why on earth would a Christian wife simply pack her belongings and walk out? Well, there are a number of reasons why she might do this, but one thing is for certain, and that is, her decision to leave was not an overnight decision. It's a decision that likely came after months or years of being unhappy.

Perhaps, it's a result of physical or verbal abuse . In such cases, separation is actually necessary in order to protect the woman's physical and mental health. And it is also possible that she fought a continual battle with infidelity . Are you aware that psychologists equate the pain of infidelity to that of losing a child? Now just imagine enduring that kind of suffering year-end and year-out.

Hard to believe we're talking about Christian marriages, isn't it? Well, unfortunately, these kinds of problems have been unwelcome guests in Christian homes for decades. How does this happen? Well sadly, many married couples that claim Christianity as their religion , do not practice Christian principles at home. This my friend, is the root of the problem.

So, now that we've explored why a Christian wife might leave, and why Christian marriages often breakdown, the question now becomes 'what should a husband do after his wife leaves?' Can his marriage still be saved at that point? Well, the beautiful thing about Christianity is that there is always hope through Christ Jesus our Lord. No matter how low you sink, or how broken your relationship seems, Christ is able to bring reconciliation. That is, when you humble yourself and call upon Him.

Listen, don't give up on your marriage. Nothing is hopeless with Christ. Get the separation advice you so desperately need today, and get on the road to reconciling with your wife. We'll be praying for you and waiting for you at Christian Marriage Today .

Author's Bio: 

Ministers Mike and Wanda Collins are authorities on Christian marriage. They have impacted the lives of countless couples around the globe with their website, free materials, and progressive alternative approach to Christian marriage counseling. They are highly respected among their peers as spiritual leaders, marriage coaches, and co-laborers in the Body of Christ.