They are children with new psychological features and thus show new behaviour patterns. To ignore these new patterns, means that this precious life will be damaged and thus only frustrations can arise.
Here are some common patterns of Indigo children:
1. They join us with a sense of their own importance and behave accordingly.
2. They feel that they deserve to be on the world and they are surprised that others do not share this view.
3. Self-esteem is not a problem for these children. They tell their parents and show it quite clearly.
4. It gives them problems with absolute authority - authority which does not offer explanations or choices.
5. They do certain things which have no meaning for them, as for instance lining up in a queue.
6. They are frustrated when systems are run by rituals and do not allow for any creative thinking.
7. They often see better ways of doing things, whether in school or at home. They are then perceived as children who rebel against the existing systems.
8. Indigo Children are therefore often perceived as antisocial unless they are together with their peers. If there are no other persons whose consciousness is not on a similar level, these children often withdraw into themselves and have the feeling that nobody understands them.
9. They do not respond to discipline from feelings of guilt ("Just you wait until your father comes home and finds out what you have done.").
10. They are not reticent when it comes to voicing their needs.
Have you met children exhibiting this behaviour? During the last century there were Indigo children but not many. However, over the past 40 years, the number of these children has increased enormously. Initially, they were perceived as children as highly intelligent children. This is what parents and teachers can accept much more easily. We certainly need different perspectives and approaches. For in the last 10 to 15 years the number of children of the new generation has increased dramatically. Sometimes it is said that now 100% of the children up to ten years are crystal or Indigo children.
These children, however, are still treated wrongly, because they are simply different, and parents and teachers will be challenged by them. For most parents and teachers it is easier to provide them with the stamp of ADHD and treat them with medication. I cannot bear the harm which is done to these children, just because adults do not want to deal with them. Do those experts really know that they lay hands on our development as a human race? This is one of my reasons for writing this e-book . I want to raise awareness and inform you so that you will help to spread enlightened information and thus we can stop this nonsense.
More Information in my E-Book "2012 - our reality of change" :
Angela Schulz-Henke is a success and business coach. She loves to see her clients thrive and live a fulfilled life.
Her mentor is John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton and for marketing Chris Cardell and Michael Gerber.
She just founded a Business Coaching Company with another lady to coach small companies and people who want to set up their own business or improve their business in a rapid changing market.