This is my mother’s continued story about finding a solution to her hair loss problem.

What to do…what to do…what to do…As it turned out, my youngest, Kelley, was into hair products and had read about certain chemicals found in shampoo. She made a list of these chemicals to avoid when buying a shampoo. This list is found in the back of this primer.

Unfortunately, the list did not include some very sneaky culprits when it comes to blocking the growth of new hair. Believe me, I tried a number of shampoos and scalp conditioners describing how great they were to use in restoring one’s loss of hair. Some of them had wonderful reviews, but it never dawned on me that these reviews might have been paid for.

So, as I was trying out a so-called wonderful product containing biotin, which is known for hair growth, I kept researching just what I might be missing when it came to my diet . Since I had gone through menopause, I knew I needed menopausal support, but didn’t want to take any drugs. I wanted a herbal product.

I remember my mother experiencing a horrible time in going through menopause. She experienced horrible cramps, night sweats, headaches, and mood swings. Mother did start taking a drug for her menopausal symptoms. Now, I can honestly state it didn’t help her with hair loss, nor with her bone loss. As Mother aged, her overall conditioned worsened and eventually she would need a hip replacement.
Now, what does her bone loss have to do with hair loss…everything!!!! The condition of one’s hair does determined one’s overall health. As we age, of course, our health changes and one would expect bone loss and some hair loss, at least, that’s what we have been told.Imagine my surprise when I began to research herbs that help women during and after menopause. The ones most noted and worth getting familiar with are Dong Quai Root, American Ginseng Root, Sarsaparilla Root, Licorice Root, Wild Yam Root, Black Cohosh Root, Wild Yam Root, Ginger Root, Saw Palmetto Berry, and Oregon Grape Root.

****And what was one of the things she did, switch to a hard-to-find shampoo (a shampoo without sneaky chemicals and fragrance-free) which she found at

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional. Only an avid reader. Check with your healthcare provider before starting something new.

Kelley is the author of Oh! Feeling Pretty! Can Trace Minerals Fight Viruses, Prevent Cancer, and Other Ailments?

Author's Bio: 

Kelley is the author of Oh! Feeling Pretty! Can Trace Minerals Fight Viruses, Prevent Cancer, and Other Ailments?