There are various fashions, methods and approaches to gauging your advancement on your travels toward better health and fitness . Being aware and knowledgeable about each and every one of them gives you a clearer, more precise measure of how you are progressing in the direction of your goals. The almighty scale isn’t that powerful when other modes of advancement are included on your travels to a lighter, sexier you!

Being open to other ideas and suggestions in regard to your progress can be extremely beneficial and rewarding as you continue your search for a healthier, lighter you. If there are other ways to boost your energy, increase your well-wishes for self and spur your continued diligence on your pathway, it seems like a no brainer to include them in your repertoire of evaluation tools. The more familiar you become with the following genres of evolution and progress, the more you’ll smile when you see your continued advancement and development.

•Clothing: Everyone probably has a pair of pants or a skirt hanging in their closet that is a little snug. Use this item of clothing as a way to judge your decrease in size. Choose a convenient day and once a week try your article on for size. Use it’s fitting as a guide to your progress.

•Personal Outlook: This is pretty straightforward. How do you feel? If you continue to take steps in the direction of your goals, you’ll feel awesome. Go with that feeling, journal your triumphant accomplishments and use this tool as a positive feedback instrument.

•Body Measuring Tape: Using this device to track your progress is a step in the right direction. Remember to take your measurements once a month and document your loss of inches in your journal so that you are able to monitor and adjust your decrease.

•Scale: Step on this once a week. Yes, once. Do not allow it to rule your outlook on self!

Combining all of the above tools to track your progress is a very healthy approach to assessing your well-being.

Author's Bio: 

Nothing brings me greater pleasure in life than to assist women on their journey toward better health, enhanced fitness and molding a lifestyle to one that meets their expectations. Coaching Lovely Ladies is a enormous passion of mine and I am completely honored to be able to assist each and every Lovely Lady on their travels of a happy, organized, active, balanced lifestyle. I coach real women who are willing to take real action and reap real results.

Deborah McIncrow
Women’s Health and Fitness Coach