Are you a network marketer who wants to spread the word about your business? Not sure how you can promote it? Well today, I will be sharing with you an MLM marketing system to promote your business.

At this stage, I highly recommend that you create a simple website to capture leads. Simply put in a form and ask for your leads’ name and email address. You may want to give your leads an incentive to submit their details, so it is a good idea to give them a free report as bait. Once you have that set up, you can start promoting your business by getting people to visit your website, so that you can capture their name and email address.

Conduct Workshops

Now, you can conduct workshops as a form of promoting your business. Well, these need not be formal workshops per se. Have you ever heard of a home party? That’s when a distributor invites people into his house (or maybe his downline’s house) and he conducts live demonstrations of his company’s products and services. At the end of the home party, he exchanges his contact information such as his name card with the guests. This method is rather old school though, since that was how most marketers ran their businesses before the internet came about. Now that you have the internet to play with, you could record a video of the demonstration, or even the entire home party, and post it online, as some kind of online workshop.

Distribute Flyers

Offline marketing still works in this MLM marketing system, so you can go ahead and distribute flyers. Be sure to get the people’s attention with the flyer. It should include an obvious benefit and a specific call to action. This is where you can direct them to visit your website to claim that free report. People want to know what’s in it for them, so you need to ensure that you answer that question within the flyer.

Post Classified Ads

This is quite similar to distributing flyers, except that you can post these classified ads online. Some classified ad directories do not charge a fee for putting up an ad, so do give that a try. Be sure to write an attention grabbing headline because you need to get people’s attention in an instant.

I hope you have learnt something new from my article on this MLM marketing system on how to promote your business. I wish you success in your business endeavors.

Author's Bio: 

The author is a successful multi-level marketing distributor and mentor who regularly gives MLM marketing system training on his website, . Do check it out for more MLM marketing system training tips and tricks.