The Power of the mind has no limits.
If you are suffering physical pain, great. Great not that you are in pain, great because the only way you may learn this technique is to actually be in pain. Knowledge is not enough you need the experience to put into practice. You may have to make several attempts before it is effective for you.
Find a silent space ( I do not recommend background music with this particular meditation .) with no distractions.
Step One
Relax in a comfortable position. Close your eyes be still. Focus all your thought's toward the pain you are feeling. You will find by doing this you raise the level of pain. For a few minutes concentrate directly on the pain and much it hurts.
When you have managed to put yourself in even more pain then when you started, you're ready for the next step.
Step Two
Open your eyes take three deep breaths in through the nose and exhale out of the mouth. You will find the pain easing slightly.
Step Three
Close your eyes focus on that subtle feeling of the pain subsiding. Once even a slight relief is starting, celebrate it! say to yourself that feels better this feels really good.
Once you are experiencing even a slight effect of relief time to go to the next step.
Step Four
Open your eyes take three deep breaths in through the nose and exhale out of the mouth. A relaxed and less weighty feeling will commence.
Step Five The Visualization
Re-shuffle yourself get comfortable again, close your eyes relax.
In your mind's eye visualize the milky way galaxy in all its heavenly glory. Imagine yourself going on a journey through the milky way, watch the stars go by and fall in right in front of you. In the distance you notice a bright glowing pale pink planet attracting your curiosity, enough for you to make your way towards it.
Landing down softly on the planet, you find yourself laying next to a serene pale pink lake with all living things around you also radiating a pale pink glow. You are content and have an overwhelming feeling of peace . You're literally bathed in the universes natural healing energy. Step into the water you are pain-free here, swim awhile lay back down and fall to sleep in the light.
This place of the mind is now your pain-free area where you may go when ever you feel the need. After lots of practice this becomes a very powerful tool. After lots of practice you will only need to repeat step five to experience some relief and after a little more practice you will only need to think of your pale pink home and instantly you will be in your pain-free area.
I have seen and been taken to this place in my astral travels as a small boy, to this day I still use this energy for spiritual healing . With love as my intent I give to you all the healing you will ever need. Spiritual e-magazine focusing on the shift of consciousness from one Power & Greed to one of Love & Honesty. With insights into Astrology, Druids, Psychic development, medium ship, meditation and much more. With over 120 years of combined Metaphysical experience we bring you Thrive on news.