Meditation is the perfect tool for achieving balance in our busy, stressful and demanding lives. Meditation benefits are immense and completely independent of religion , political views or moral values. It is a very effective technique accessible to all in order to find the perfect harmony between the body and the mind.

What is Mediation? You can call it a ritual, a form of exercise or even a ceremony that celebrates the self. It's all of these and more. It is relaxation, knowledge, awareness, energy. It's a profound method of inner peace and contemplation, through one of our most basic bodily functions: breathing.

We all lead busy lives, running and trying to meet our obligations and responsibilities, caring for our family and loved ones, working hard for some financial security and a place in the sun. There is so much noise, inside and outside our minds that we rarely have the time to stop and relax, to reflect on our days and our dreams or just time to stand perfectly still. There are obstacles to overcome, tasks to perform.... We are lost and sleep walking in a buzzing, confusing world. Nervous breakdowns and mental illnesses like depression, anxiety , phobias are beginning to come across as the more prolific diseases of the century.

What can we do about it? It's not like we can abandon everything that is prejudicial to us, we still need to make a living and survive in the real world.

But there are things you can do that can help you regain the balance that you need and probably already crave, like turning meditation into a habit, practicing it and enjoying all its benefits.

All you need is dedication, silence and a few moments of your day to practice.

It's very simple. Give it only 10 minutes a day if you like. Find a comfortable, warm, cozy place. Sit in silence. Dim the lights. That's your first step.

Close your eyes. Stay still. Meditation is all about stopping and relaxing, allowing your mind and body to wind down and work together again. Breathe deeply.

Try to avoid paying too much attention to your thoughts as they try to sneak in and focus on your breathing. Picture and feel the air as you inhale and exhale. Visualize every part of your body relaxing and letting go, from your toes to the top of your head. It's like you are blending to your surroundings, the weight lifted off your shoulders, the mind slowing down. Soon, the negative thoughts and the discomfort in your body will fade away. When you are finished, open your eyes for a different energy. You'll be more conscious and full of life.

Some meditation benefits

  1. Body - relaxation and peace of mind will bring your body to its most favorable state of function without stress or anxiety . Your heart rate will slow down, your blood flow will increase, muscle tension will be eliminated and your immune system will be given a boost. It will be easier to fall asleep and you'll sleep more soundly. Having this precious recovery time will also increase your energy and strength during the day.
  2. Mind – You'll be able to control your thoughts and get rid of all that negativity and restlessness. This profound state of relaxation also increases serotonin levels in your brain, keeping clear of problems in the nervous system. It will also improve emotional stability, now that you feel at peace with yourself, as well as concentration, memory, creativity and self confidence .
  3. Spirit – You are reconnecting with yourself, rediscovering who you are and what you need. Contemplation will help you gain some perspective in life and determine what is really important to you. You will learn how to detach yourself from all the minor, insignificant problems and to be more contented and happier with the smaller things in life.

The benefits of meditation have always been invaluable but as the pace and stress continuously increase in our modern society, it has become even more important now to use that rare free time wisely to find peace and to recover .

Author's Bio: 

Guy brugada discovered personal development during a time of challenges and hardships. He became since, an avid reader and forever student of self help, self improvement and spiritual resources.

He is the author of
which is the fruit of his experience, reflections and thoughts; evergrowing and dedicated to help anyone improving self worth, well being and happiness.