There is currently a lot of talk about the film ‘The Secret’ and the teachings of ‘The Law of Attraction ’. It’s all very well to use the ‘jargon’ in your vocabulary, but when it comes down to feeling really frustrated with your partner about what he or she has just said to you, which has left you feeling totally patronised, negated and misunderstood, how do you pull back and gain perspective on what’s happening? How do you shift your experience from a negative one to a positive one?

It has been the habit of generations to assign blame to others for our own experience, but many of us are waking up to the fact that we create our own reality. To what degree, you might ask… indeed, a contraversial subject! As a healer and facilitator, I have shifted myself through many states of awareness to discover the root cause of various problems and can say without doubt, I am the creator of my experience. (of course I am not forgetting my total dependence of the Source of all who creates my every breath!)

To create and maintain good health, it’s vital to accept and honor your feelings no matter how bad they are. When you allow yourself to fully experience your feelings, even when it feels like they’re going to overwhelm you and you’ll never come out alive, then you’ll be able to shift yourself to a better, higher frequency or emotional state.

For 30 years I’ve been evolving my emotional and spiritual states of being. Years of therapy, inner work, a multitude of relationships and a 27 year practice of daily focusing within, have helped me to understand the basic fundamental. It’s like music. There needs to be a fundamental tone that touches you first, before the melodies can be played. This fundamental is self-acceptance, without judgement. A tall order when you walk around with your critic in your head, simulating the voices of all who have ever criticised you.

In my experience, what I attract in relationships in the ‘outside world’ reflects back to me, how I am treating certain aspects of my inner self.

How do I shift myself from one state to another? First through conscious awareness in each moment, of how I am feeling (there was a time, 27 years ago, when I didn’t know what I was feeling and I had never gotten angry in decades!).

I use many simple techniques and tools throughout my day, to steer myself on my journey of life, to maintain a harmonious experience. I offer group or individual sessions, exploring and evolving your emotions and expressing them creatively through art and music.

More on my website at

Author's Bio: 

South African born artist, Helen Allen, is a facilitator of "inner work" and teaches of intuitive painting. Over the past three years, Helen has co-led Creative Journey seminars in Russia, Greece and UK with inspirational musician, Robert Norton, whose music inspired the writing of books by a leading psychologist, Dr Robert Holden, who recently appeared on Oprah Winfrey.

Helen works intuitively with people, both individually and in groups, enabling them to feel safe enough to connect with their own clarity, creativity and personal power.

Although Helen has spent 30 years working in the field of Graphic Design for the corporate world, her painting career took a major step forward when she studied Intuitive Painting with Jane Cory-Wright, who was a former student of Cecil Collins.

In 1984, Helen studied Mental Color Therapy (Color Healing) with Lily Cornford in 1984 and has been practising this therapy eversince.

For 27 years, Helen has practised on a daily basis, the techniques of Knowledge as taught by Prem Rawat, master of Inner Peace. She also trained with Prem Rawat as an Instructor and worked part time for him in this role for 3 years.

In 1985 Helen studied Ashtanga Yoga with Danny Paradise, who later became the yoga teacher of Sting and Madonna.

Helen will soon start her training to become a NIA white belt instructor. (NIA stands for Neuromuscular Integrative Activity)