As you recognize that you're in a marriage-in-crisis state, you could think that it's already too late to repair anything. Well, that is not quite true. Here's 6 steps to fix the crumbled relationship and stop the divorce paper.

The agreement you signed on your wedding day implies a commitment that lasts for the rest of your life. When you swore you’ll be together through thick and thin, you offer yourself as your greatest gift for your spouse. But on the wedding day, everything is easier said than done. As years pass by, when you go through the fear of the real roller-coaster ride, you sometimes forget that a marriage in crisis can still be resolved.

If you’re in that situation, why don’t you try the following activities to divert yourself from the option of divorce ?

Talk and stay positive.

Talk about your marriage seriously. Grab a pen and a piece of paper for a list of strong qualities you, your spouse and your relationship possess and compliment each other. Keep it and write more if you have discoveries along the way. Point out tactfully your weaknesses as well. However, you don’t need to jot them down since they are meant to be forgiven and forgotten. Yep, out of sight, out of mind.

Work together in the kitchen.

Cooking loses its main purpose when the food isn’t shared with the people around you. Moreover, even the tastiest recipe of Martha Stewart gets bland when you’re eating it with a foe. Given these facts, working together at the kitchen is a wonderful opportunity to have a great time with each other. It will ignite lighthearted conversations that will ease up the mood. You will be obliged to practice teamwork as well. After all, you don’t want your stomachs to suffer.

Recall the day you started your journey.

Bring out your wedding album and smile as you turn over the pages. Didn’t she stun you with her blooming aura ? How did he take the garter off your leg? Did your guests often clank their glasses just to see you kiss in bliss? The wedding photos are your concrete evidence of how happy you used to be and your basis for a fantastic future together. Are you willing to let go of that memory and possibility?


A marriage in crisis can also be overcome by sacrifice. Giving up your football playoff game tickets for window shopping or canceling a belly dancing session at the gym for an eat-all-you-can meal may mean willingness to go an extra mile. These moves will leave an impact to your partner. Just being together to have quality time is a sign of loyalty. It begets satisfaction in your married life.

Strengthen your bond in bed.

Inside the room, you can be who you really are. In that sense, it’s a perfect place to intensify your love for each other. Sleep at the same time. Cuddle each other under the same blanket, do your tête-à-tête conversations more often and play some sappy music. Explore and satisfy the sensual needs of your spouse. Explore your wild self. Nobody’s peaking.

Express, don’t suppress.

If you agree with Charles Noble’s quote, “First we make our habits , then our habits make us,” you believe that expressing your love every day to your spouse is not an ordinary routine. As a matter of fact, it influences everything about you. Don’t reserve your affectionate words on special occasions only. Your partner needs to feel he/she is well-loved all the time.

Your story doesn’t need to have a sad ending to make it sound realistic. If both of you give your best shot to save the marriage in crisis, time promises a successful union. Focus on being positive and dwell on activities that keep the fire burning. Definitely, every couple has the right to live happily every after.

Author's Bio: 

Taking a time to think is a great idea. Look over my husband wants a divorce to discover what you should ask yourself about issues that shatter your marriage. Moreover, check out the details of a recommended expert help on this matter at Save My Marriage Today review .