When we came up with our name over two years ago at our first mastermind with our mentor it made sense.

Up until that point our e-zine was called “Authentic Living”, we had a few hundred subscribers and we would talk about life purpose, spiritual principles and practices, and practical ways to bring that into your life.

And everything was great except we weren’t making very much money (at all) and a lot of that had to do with not truly honoring all the gifts we had to offer our clients.

In fact, we were hiding a lot of our gifts, actually refusing to bring them in and use them in our business, because they were from our “past life” - when we used to have those J-O-Bs.

We had left those jobs behind, because they weren’t serving us anymore. So there was no way we were going to bring any of that into the “dream” business and life we were creating.

Logically and emotionally it made sense to us. We had been miserable in our past careers, so why would we ever even think of bringing any of that into our business?

The thing is, there was something deeper going on, a deeper Truth that we refused to look at.... even though we were going under, barely able to tread water in our business anymore.

That deeper Truth is that if you are not seeing results in your life and your business, then you are not in alignment with Universal Law.

And Universal Law is something we had both studied and explored for years. We had a really solid intellectual understanding. But what we didn’t have was results in our business, because we were not truly applying it to our business life.

So, we began to explore what that was really about.

And here’s what we discovered around marketing our business and supporting our clients...

Every single thing that has happened to you over the course of your life has been a gift from the Divine to help make you who you are in this moment.

Think about it for a minute, if even one thing had been different in your life, even the tiniest thing, you probably wouldn’t even be reading this article right now.

So, how did that apply to our business and how can you apply it to yours?

If you truly believe that everything is a gift from the Divine to help you along your path toward your greatness, then all the skills, knowledge and know-how you have from your past jobs and experiences is absolutely going to benefit you in your current business. And even more importantly help your clients.

And to market authentically you actually have to step more fully into who you truly are, what you truly have to offer and how your gifts can transform your client’s life.

This is where it can be “not-so-easy”. Because to step more fully into your gifts you need to first of all accept them – not always the easiest thing to do.

It’s going to be harder for you to “hide”, because when you step into your gifts, your light shines brighter and people begin to “see” you as someone who can help them. This is known as client attraction.

To market authentically, you will have to reveal more of your story, sharing you struggles with your tribe – so that you can inspire them with you story and help them see that they too can experience the transformation that you have.

No, marketing authentically is not easy – in that it requires you to grow into the person that has the courage to be seen so you can truly help your clients transform their lives.

And let’s face it, you are walking this path because you were looking for personal development , so why not experience it through your business?

That being said, when you step into authentically marketing – by stepping into who you truly are and embrace the gifts you have to offer, it does make it easier for you to attract clients, make more money and transform more lives.


Ask yourself these questions:

What gifts and experiences am I ignoring or discounting that could transform my business and/or my client’s life?

Where am I not using my gifts in my business that could transform my business and/or my client’s life?

What am I not giving to my clients that could transform their life and/or my business?

What am I not sharing about my story that could transform my business and/or my client’s life?

Authentic Marketing starts and ends with you, and is as easy or difficult as you choose it to be.

The first step is to begin to see all of your experiences as gifts for you and bring them into your business. You will then begin to transform not only your clients’ lives, but your own as well.

Author's Bio: 

It is a Universal Spiritual Principle that we’re either growing or we’re dying and from the moment we came together we began to grow at mock speed.

After finally connecting with one another at our spiritual center, we moved in together and committed to creating our lives as partners. It was a joyous and exciting time as we spent many nights up until 3am talking about Truth and exploring our next possible adventure. We also began to write and publish our “Today’s Truth” meditations.