Gregory Reece-Smith presents a look back at the Newsletter for March 2015.

How was February for you? Even though the shortest month of each year, there never seemed to be a moment to rest! Added to which it was a month in which we at Creating Harmony, many clients and others felt the effect of the changes underway. Some spoke of recalling more of their dreams , which always seemed to have an element of motion such as being on a train ride, or on a bus going somewhere, yet they knew not where! Others have had physical symptoms of upset stomachs, coughing, pain in the back, leg and/or arm. On the left side indicating fear of letting go or the right side, fear of the unknown!

So if the first two months of 2015 felt unsettling, know that you were not alone and March has only just begun!In February the focus of much of the cleansing seems to have moved beyond the solar plexus to the back and the limbs. Seeking to answer the first and third of the questions addressed in 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony' – "Why is my back killing me?", and "What is my gut telling me?" (You can purchase a Kindle or printed copy of Gregory's best selling book through Amazon).

Whilst every month has its intense moment, March 2015 seems to be full of them! Perhaps you feel as if your nerves are on top of your skin, that you are re-addressing issues you thought you addressed long ago or are angry for seemingly little or no reason. Know that you are undergoing a major transition.

March is likely to be a month of some confusion as the various shifts occur. In particular when each of us begins to realise they must move beyond many of the very qualities that have brought us to where we are and who we are? This is often a moment of panic, as we question our belief as to who we are. It is a terrifying experience, especially for strong personalities and is the moment at which some choose to turn aside from their spiritual quest.

Instead we should only ever release and leave behind that false sense of self we have been entertaining about who and what each of us is. Nothing real can ever be lost. In that way each of us will discover we are still ourselves, only now empowered in different ways of seeing and being as the real aspects become stronger and more enhanced. Becoming a new and improved version of our full potential selves.

Our suggestion is during March to become more of the observer. Noticing for example, where you have been in some difficult situation (home, work, relationship) how it no longer is able to affect you as it once did. Simply, this will be because you no longer resonate with that energy or give it power. In doing so this will bring resolution of some old karmic issues, giving you freedom to leave the situation, or even find yourself in some way removed from it. Making March an interesting month!

By focusing on spiritual growth and awareness and then the living of it, you will offer your gifts to the world. Something you will not be able to do if you remain in the same old universal belief system.

March is like a waypoint for us all when issues not addressed before will come up for inescapable review. All of us making a step into a new phase in which old solutions and rules will no longer work, so it is fruitless to keep trying to make them do so! We are in a period of transition when the inner landscape must be matched up with the outer waking life experience. Each of us choosing when and how to do so.

This process requires energy. So many may find themselves craving or eating or drinking more highly refined foods and drinks to obtain the necessary energy to provide them with fuel for the process. Sugar is a requirement at certain levels of the transition process due to the fast action it provides in relation to energy. Rather than denying your body this energy, accept the sugar rush is being put to use during the transition.

PortentsFebruary´s new moon augured in time to reflect on why we are here, and finding new ways on how we can lead authentic lives, living to our full potential. This impetus building in strength and intensity until the full moon on 5th March.

March´s potent pushes accelerate on the 11th when Mars conjuncts Uranus and squares Pluto. Followed on the 16th by Uranus being the exact square to Pluto. The last series of such squares took place between 1932 and 1934, and this is the seventh and final square of these two outer planets (Uranus is said to rule the higher Mind and Pluto the higher Will) since June 2012.

It is also the moment where these two are at the point of being one quarter of the way around their cycle, which began in 1965-66. These two planets are pushing everyone to face their choices and make decisions, the square intensifying this push!

What do these movements mean? Change - possibly disruption to our existing plans, a time to release old patterns and habits . This aspect ushers in a new cycle, a better path to be followed. On this path new insights come quickly.

This is a pivotal point on the shifts each of us may have been sensing at deep levels for some time. Now they are ready to emerge and manifest in our lives, hence they require that each of us release the old identities, beliefs and perceptions. Until then there is no space for the new. The planets are pushing the old to be released. Each of us has the choice as to whether we let it go easily and with love and gratitude for bringing us to this point, or not!

The planets are calling each of us to take responsibility for our lives, and in so doing create the life we desire for all. Then at 22:45 GMT on the 20th there is the equinox, spring in the Northern hemisphere and autumn in the Southern. The moment when day and night are equal, bringing forth re-birth in the North and the beginning of the recuperation phase in the South.

To add to this exhilarating moment, there is also a total solar eclipse beginning at 07.41 GMT on 20th March. The greatest eclipse occurs at 09.46 GMT, 13 hours before the equinox. This will magnify the energies of the equinox, making it feel quite intense for those who are quite sensitive or emotional. The combination of the eclipse and equinox does not recur until March 2034.

So what does this mean for us?
The equinox serves as a doorway between the spiritual and physical world, enabling a powerful renewal to occur. This renewal elevates our consciousness to be able to seed greater love and wisdom into the present moment, allowing us to create what we desire to follow.

Leave behind all that is no longer needed
In terms of numerology , March 2015 is a number 11 – a master number, the most intuitive number and a clear channel to the subconscious. 11 is the number of leadership, personal power and spiritual truth. Which means the month is about each of us searching to find our authentic, full potential selves.

In numerology 11 also reduces to 2, which is about relationships, alliances and making choices. So we are being asked during this month to find balance in our lives again. One suggestion being to also use the equinox to create a balance between the Divine Feminine (our creative, nurturing, playful aspect) and the Divine Masculine (our passionate, action-oriented, motivated aspect) which are both within us all.

To achieve this it is essential to continue February´s theme of letting go of those blocks and barriers standing in the way of each of us flourishing as our full potential selves. Each of us loving ourselves enough to have the courage to follow our heart´s desires, encouraging change coming from within our balanced selves.

As the moon wanes, its energy is gradually decreasing in strength and intensity, so it makes an ideal time to release and let go of any areas of your life that no longer serve your full potential. Once the new moon arrives the energy reverses. This makes the two weeks leading up to the new moon on 20th March the ideal time to be in tune with the releasing the planets are asking from each of us.

The alignment of this third super moon of 2015 is asking us all to allow our dream to bring magic into our lives. As it combines with a solar eclipse, it has added significance encouraging each of us to follow our intuition rather than what we think we should dream into existence!

To recap from February´s edition, a super moon is one where it is within 90% of its closest approach to Earth. Therefore there is a heightened energy influencing the Earth and its occupants. The best way to balance this energy is to connect in some way your body with nature – though not in rubber soled footwear as it acts as an insulator. Ways include walking barefoot or just laying or sitting on the ground.

So the choice each of us faces is to de-clutter all aspects of our lives, Or, to continue to hang on to what is perceived by the unconscious mind as safety? This after all is its sole purpose, keeping us safe, it only knows what it has experienced, not the uncertainly of how we would like our life to be?

We have suggested to many this is an ideal moment, it does not need to be on 20th March, to go to a quiet place, where they feel at peace . There to consciously release all the emotions, the energies of who they are, thank the energies for enabling them to be who they are and having reached this moment. Feel the energies departing, then consciously welcome in the new, welcome its uncertainty. This process has more power if said out loud.

Author's Bio: 

Gregory Reece-Smith is a transformation coach, author,public figure and founder of . Gregory's focus is on shifting the beliefs that limit individual’s lives and thus their world around them, including that of their organizations. Creating Harmony was founded to broaden the reach of this focus as real success only flows when beliefs no longer limit what is possible.

Gregory is an experienced transformation facilitator, both within organizations and with individuals. He conducts workshops at various locations around the world allowing participants to experience techniques to effect a shift and experience harmony. In December 2014 Divine Time Books published 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony'. This is available in both printed and electronic form from Amazon.

Whether helping an entrepreneur start to build his business or the chief executive of a large international one, Gregory has always been helping people to develop and grow, allowing them to understand the situation from ‘the outside in’ rather than necessarily the one they perceived from the inside out. Helping to shift their own views, building confidence so that they can take action to identify their own desires and start taking steps toward their achievement and so success.

Gregory states: "My passion is helping ‘everyone’ to do this, particularly those such as myself who focused on the desired achievement to the detriment of everything else! My purpose is not to help you to cope, rather helping you to transform your understanding and the way you view your life. Helping you to create harmony in your life. The Harmonising Times is published monthly to assist all in doing just that."

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