Whether you are longing for more vibrant health, a truly fulfilling career, deeply satisfying relationships, financial flow and a tremendous sense of alignment with freedom, accomplishment and ease — I have one answer: The Rays of Creation.

The Rays of Creation are much more than just beams of light; they are enormous structures of energetic Consciousness, with very specific capacities, like huge corporations with many diverse departments handling multi-faceted tasks. These amazing energetic super-tools enable us both to dismantle the old patterns and thought forms that keep us limited and stuck, and allow us to anchor in the new vibrational patterns of the realities we choose to experience.

The Rays of Creation are a huge body of work, brought forth by the Archangelic Realm and Beings of Light through visionary Jim Self in his work Mastering Alchemy.

What do the Rays of Creation do?Certain Rays are used when you wish to clear the rigidity and adhesiveness of undesired beliefs and emotions. They destabilize the electromagnetic charge around an issue and soften our resistance to change, while they are also used to stabilize the new desired energy pattern in our day to day reality that we are choosing to replace the old pattern with.

Other Rays allow the energies to step up to release and step down to then bring back the new desired experience or pattern into form. Other Rays have great healing and clearing mechanisms, and contain great libraries of wisdom . Still other Rays allow us to align with the Will and huge luminescent Love of the Creator, which makes the process much smoother and takes out the worry that our requests are out of alignment with the Highest Good.

Must Raise your Vibration to Access the RaysIn Mastering Alchemy we studied many techniques for months and years to raise our vibratory rates before accessing the Rays. This is intentional, for we as a species, have been “mis-creating” for eons, and the Rays were meant to bring humanity back into our true divine alignment with Source. So as a fail-safe measure, this enormous body of co-creative power can only be tapped when our frequency is quite high, meaning that our state of awareness is centered in Higher Mind, and we are operating from the Love that we are, rather than from a state of fear, manipulation, and control.

One mistake we often make when trying to manifest is that our energy and emotion doesn’t match your mental intention. You must increase your vibration and release the heavier energies of pain, disappointment, lack, doubt, or unworthiness, for example, to match the new reality you wish to experience.

In 2010 I was guided to teach the Rays of Creation and developed a retreat called Quantum Creating: Applying the Rays of Creation to Manifest Your Dreams where we spend a lot of time with energy technologies that both clear the old patterns and create a higher state of awareness and frequency before we begin co-creating with the Rays.

How is manifesting different in 2012?
On January 1, 2012, I had trouble sleeping, and I decided to ask “What‘s new?” to the Beings of Light and Ascended Masters I cavort with in meditation . I really wanted to understand the impact that the amazing new energies of “perfected light” and “Christ Consciousness” that I and so many teachers were experiencing since the gateway of 11.11.11 occurred.

The most exquisite experience ensued: I was instantly out of my body, floating around the room. But this was no ordinary astral travel or out of body experience. I was truly multi-dimensional with 2 points of awareness. In addition, I was totally in command of the experience – I had the gear shift and total control to go left, right, up through the ceiling, etc.

As a result it was great fun, rather than disorienting. So I got into the swing of things and began asking for adventures, like flying to the moon. Instantly I was there engulfed in moonlight! I then asked to “see the face of God”. Of course Ascended Masters laughed in response, and said “You know there is no ‘face’ of God.” I replied that I knew that, but I still wanted it. Again, instantly I had an experience of tremendous light, but now it was accompanied by a feeling of incomparable bliss… so I certainly didn’t complain or miss the face part.

All the while I was aware of my body in bed. So next I asked for the ultimate physical experience, and I was gifted with instant multiple orgasms. Yes you read correctly. Then I asked to see an old friend, who appeared before me in microseconds. So you see, I am telling you this because I felt I received a “preview of coming attractions” (no pun intended). The new energies we are experiencing are enabling us to co-create with unparalleled speed and accuracy and very little effort.

Time is collapsing and we are approaching nearly instant manifesting.Just the other day I needed to write two titles and descriptions for my radio Broadcast Co-Creation Activations on World Puja and I was drawing a complete blank all day! Then I remembered to use the Rays to clear the old story I have that writing is hard and takes me a long time. I called in the new reality that writing is fun, quick and easy and that I have the perfect title and description for my show now, and in less than 2 minutes I had completed it happily.

But don’t just take my word for this phenomenal shift. Dona from Tampa is having a similar experience: “I have been taking classes with Kumari and Kumara for 2 years and they are the REAL DEAL! Now the time between my intentions and manifestations has shortened from months to literally minutes!”

Author's Bio: 

Energy Alchemist. Empathic Intuitive. Animal Mystic. Master Healer. EarthKeeper. Divine Wisdom channel. One internationally recognized spiritual mentor exclaimed “Kumari’s purpose is to Teach the Teachers Mastery; her Meditation Master described her extraordinary healing abilities as a “Golden Gift”.

In 1988 she met a spiritual master and instantly reclaimed the ability to channel healing and Higher Consciousness from multidimensional realms. Desiring to more fully embody the Consciousness she was accessing, she immersed herself in Eastern mystical practices of meditation, pranayama and devotional chanting, while combining contemporary spiritual and healing arts of Reiki, Grounded Ascension and Mastering Alchemy.

Kumari lives in a world where communicating directly with Spirit realms, animals and all of nature is the norm. Her deepest joy is empowering others to experience that all of Creation is Conscious. She teaches with a practicality and playfulness that is disarmingly potent, fully anchored in the knowing that anyone can awaken to this magical remembrance. Kumari holds a powerful energetic presence where distortions of who we are not vanish, healing and wholing shifts occur naturally, and the Mystery of Life unveils.

More recently she has been given “EarthKeeper” assignments to balance and heal planetary imbalances. Kumari is the chosen emissary to a group of Enlightened EarthKeepers who call themselves “The One”. The One inhabit the Mineral Kingdom and are the Gatekeepers for the Portal at the Center of the Earth, responsible for sustaining the New Earth energies and transmitting their initiatory gifts to bring Earth to Heaven.

Kumari is the co-author of the bestselling book “Empowering Transformations for Women“, a critically acclaimed CD “Connecting with All Life” and numerous articles on healing, manifesting and intuitive development. Internationally recognized intuitive healer and spiritual teacher, she facilitates teleseminars, playshops and retreats to reconnect with our natural healing, intuitive and manifesting abilities. Kumari’s planetary service projects include “Healing the Gulf: The Power of Intentions” with Dr. Emoto, world renowned water crystal researcher.

Visit www.kumarihealing.com