Managing conflict is the foundation of a lasting relationship. There were many implications that support the hypothesis that positive affect and de-escalation are predictive of positive outcomes in any relationship, including marriage. To the extent that positive affect and de-escalation involves the physiological soothing of the man either by his partner or by himself. In other words, men must take responsibility for their contribution to the state of a relationships condition. There were many components that contributed to failing and failed relationships. They found that partners who did not summarize their partners feelings nor even summarizing the content of their partners statements had short-lived relationships. Furthermore, they almost never validated their spouses’ feelings (Gottman, et al. 1998). The pattern predicative of divorce
was consistently negative start-up by the wife, the refusal of the husband to accept influence from his wife, and the wife’s reciprocation of the low intensity negativity in any kind and the absence of de-escalation of low intensity negativity by the husband. The only variable that predicted both marital stability and marital happiness
among stable couples was the amount of positive affect during the course of conflict. Only couples with those ingredients eventually wound up stable and happy. Research has found that in courtship that couples that share intimate stories with some emphasis on relational affect experience a head start in establishing high-quality marriages. (Gottman, et al. 1998). Results suggest that couples who focus more on the similarities and altruistic behaviors have a greater potential for successful marriages.
Relationships are successful until we choose to allow them to fail. It is by education, forgiveness
, willingness to reconcile and to trust that we find true intimacy
. Longitivity is not the result of a temporary emotional state. It is the product of a shared value system, mutual respect and unconditional love.
The clinical implications for therapists suggest that the focus in marital counseling be redirected toward developing better listening, communicating and emotional management skills. An emphasis on mature, responsible love and the implementation of techniques that are associated with its development would greatly increase the results for stable and healthy relationships. My new book Break Up, Don't Break Down is a user friendly guide for both the individual and clinicians. It contains no -nonsense approaches to resolution of separation anxiety issues while addressing self actualization needs. Also it set the course for opening the door to embracing future healthy love relationships. For more information Google, "D Ivan Young" or simply visit my website at
. Break Up, Don't Break Down can be purchased there.
Relationship Expert, D Ivan Young is an ordained minister and has been in ministry over 11 years. With an insightful yet provocative teaching style he has been hailed by millions of fans across the country as remarkable. His simple, direct and uncomplicated approach soothes bruised hearts and sparks new ways of perceiving old jaded ideas about love, romance and relationships. Angelically insightful best describes his approach to teaching, lecturing, counseling and ministry. Utilizing an authentic and engaging rhetorical presentation, his message is packaged to reach the masses; if you have a PHD or GED you won’t miss a beat hearing him speak. D Ivan Young makes complicate relationship issues seem simple and within anyones grasp. He has helped men and women of all ages, races and doctrines develop authentic, healthy, Godly, lasting relationships. He states, “Everybody deserves to be love by God and the right person, even if that person is yourself. You are somebody special. Despite what you’re going through at the moment know that there is a special plan for the rest of your life.”