“At times, do you feel like you are about to lose your mind? Are you constantly on the go wishing for “one moment” to relax?”

Are your emotions “boiling over” because you are holding them prisoner on the inside instead of expressing how you really feel? Are you “stressed” trying to meet the demands of daily living? Do you “feel obligated” to please everyone? If you answered yes to any of these questions it is possible that you are not maintaining composure. Are there times when you say “yes” to people when, actually, you should say “no” – resulting in feeling obligated to comply with their requests? When composure has been lost it is an indication that you have gone beyond the call of duty--you have taken on too much! If you answered yes to several of these questions, it is time to “maintain your composure and refresh your spirit.”

The key to maintaining composure is to never lose focus of your life’s purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 teaches us that God’s thoughts toward you are thoughts of peace , not of evil, to give you an expected end. God’s desire is for you to live peaceably not stressed out, not worked out and not giving too much of yourself out. You must be in a position to live according to God’s plan and purpose for your life. Your entire being must be free from anxiety and stress filled with peace and stability.

As Christians, the word of God admonishes you to be full of joy in the Lord (Philippians 4:4). It teaches you not to worry about anything and to pray about everything. It teaches you to tell God what you need and to thank Him for everything He has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace that passes all human understanding. It will also guard your hearts and your minds as you live in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6,7). Simply said, God’s peace will help you to maintain composure. It’s time to get your peace back!

Setting Boundaries

In order to maintain composure, you will need to set boundaries. Establish a “fixed limit” on how much you can take in and how much of yourself to give out. Put your foot down and take a stand that nothing will cross the boundaries you have set. Remember to rejoice in the Lord, enjoy yourself, and get excited about maintaining your composure.

Here are some refreshing, practical ways to maintain composure:

1. Take A Deep Breath. It’s okay to exhale. It will help you to not become discouraged in well doing (Galatians 6:9).
2. Relax. Schedule an appointment with yourself “TO DO NOTHING.” Be on time and “enjoy” the meeting. Relax and refresh (Matthew 11:28, Mark 6:31,32).
3. Take Time To Laugh At Yourself. Stop being so hard on yourself and taking things so personal. We all have made mistakes and have had mishaps happen in our lives. It’s okay to laugh at your own bloops and blunders. It will help you to appreciate the complex and fallible creature that you are. A merry heart is medicine to your spirit (Proverbs 17:22).
4. Create Peaceful Moments. Take a warm bubble bath with scented candles, listen to soft music, and/or read a refreshing novel. Brothers, watch a game!
5. Daily Meditation. Spend time meditating on God’s word daily about His love for you and how His Peace can keep you (Psalm 143:8; Psalm 139; Isaiah 16:3).
6. Un-clutter Your Mind. Empty out the negative thoughts and start thinking on things of good report (Philippians 4:8-10).
7. Learn To Let Go. Each day is a new day. Settle any issues; but don’t travel with any guilt, bitterness, anger or the like (Isaiah 43:18-19; Philippians 3:13).
8. Set Boundaries Around Your Life. Guard you heart diligently for out of it springs the “issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23).

In order to maintain composure you will have to strengthen your mind to regain control of your life. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Go ahead, you can do it!

Author's Bio: 

Minister Ginger London is a preacher, teacher, speaker and life coach. The visionary for the “Got To Get Myself Together!” Relationship and Life Strategies Conference and The Ginger London Ministries Show on Blog Talk Radio. The author of four manuals: The Making of A Spiritual Diamond, Understanding Your Calling, and Discerning Your Boaz! and Friends, Foes, and Fellow Christians. A writing contributor for Aspire, The New Women Of Color Study Bible. She has preached and taught life changing messages, both nationally and internationally.  For preaching/teaching invitations please contact: Ginger London Ministries, PO Box 74294, Baton Rouge, La 70874. Email: glondonmin@yahoo.com . For product resources visit the website at www.gingerlondon.com .