The question that loves is real teacher? Love changes the life and help us to know about the good or bad , In many cases love prove good but if we sincere with our girlfriend or boyfriend , lot of people make love only time pass and in this way they ruins his life and his partner only good people make good love and they get much with it to lead a happy life we should chose the life partner with keen thinking and to see that the girl or boy who we select for the whole life is able to pass with us in the difficulties of life or not.

This is real article for those people who select their life partner and love only to see the very emotional talking and passions and after 2 or 3 years they can not understand to each other and compelled by the circumstances to separate so to save themselves to this tragedy we should think before to get marriage and love, Some time we meets that person who impress us in the first glance and his or her personality teases us to meet him/her again to see that person and when we meet or see that personality second time our heart beats bitterly and our eyes can not see him/her properly at that time we can not think about the good or bad only think that he or she is attractive or good for us.

Love is the name of passions and emotions that we make to any one whom we like and want love with him/her and we can overcome it but spontaneously we can not do it because at that time that person seems us important and better that any other person we starts arising our emotion towards him/her, at that time we become much loyal and feel need of that one whose about we do not know properly his /her background and want to say I LOVE YOU without any wastage of time.

This is agreeable that when we involve in love we naturally can not overcome our passions but during love there is much time to understand to each other but we do not do this only love can not fulfill our all needs we are going to start a practical life in which we have to live a long age with that person so this is very much important to understand to that one by nature or behave that person is according to our mind or not we can lead a happy life with him/her or not.

Love is a good teacher but at that time when we accept it with sincerity and truthiness ,we can not handle that one who cheat us tell a lie and corrupt because that person always remain in wrong direction and thinking he or she will not think that my life partner is worry due to my behave and habit at that time we think what have we done with our life but we can not handle our life and the result is separation although our beloved is very much loyal with us and give full attention to us never think about wrong and right but make us happy sacrifice his/her life for us but not change his/her habit of tell a lie and cheating he or she can not lead a contented and happy life with us.

A good natured sincere and true person can change our life with love and ability to handle the circumstances that can help you in the difficulties of life and stand by in the hardships of life because he or she thinks that how my life partner can happy which thing can disturb him or her .we seek about the world and its phenomenon when we connect with a good beloved and we want to change ourselves for them at that time love proves favorable for us we think that our life have become paradise because we are contented and happy.

Now more than 50% marriages and love stories beaks due to misunderstanding and we seek only bad because we blame to others for this but not think about ourselves that what is the mistake why did it so for happy life the understanding and true love from both sides is much necessary .I think that article will prove helper for those who want a sincere love from both side but little mistake make them worry don’t repent at your previous mistake bear the life with a good for a good one who also want to you and always think keenly before the connection with any body select and propose that person who can run with you in the race of life to pick your hand and not leave you in the way best of luck with my best wishes.

Author's Bio: 

Antonio is writing about Lifestyle, Latest Cars Flow and Green Livings, currently I am writing on electric cars because it is need of the World now a days due to increase the pollution day by day.