Loss and Self WorthBy

Sherri Rabinowitz

Why are these two words so interconnected? They are. When you have a loss of any kind your self worth plummets. Why? Why is it, that all our beliefs and values disappear when something bad happens?

It is as much a mystery to me as it is to you. I suffer from it too. I have suffered a lot of loss in the last few years and any self worth I had just vanished. The more the universe took things away from me the more I felt less then myself. Why is that? Why do we beat ourselves up?

I know I am not alone, not only my family and friends have assured me of this but I have seen it a lot on TV. That is what I am drawn to on Oprah’s new OWN network. Shania Twain, Sarah Ferguson and Tatum O’Neal all suffer from it. My Mom and I are both drawn to these shows because we are both suffering from the same issues.

Loss and self worth seem to be the counter point to each other. It is like suffering from some trauma steals it from you and then you have to dig and grapple to get it back. Loss is like a thief. Yet, because of that I have gained not just my self worth back I have become more myself. It’s strange because I am happier now then I have ever been, I still fall back though. When something goes wrong I have to fight myself to keep my balance, the self that I just fought so hard to gain back.

So what I have learned through all this is that loss isn’t a thief it is a teacher. If you listen very carefully you can fix things within yourself that you could have never have done without that loss. It doesn’t fix anything to know this. I know that every time something goes awry or I suffer a terrible blow I will tumble down that dark, dark well. But what I have learned is the rope to climb out of it is inside me, not anyone else can help me. And I thank the Universe for that special lesson.

Author's Bio: 

Sherri has been writing since she was a small child. She was inspired by Ray Bradbury and Agatha Christie. She had always loved writing but has had to make a living in a varied number of ways. She worked as an actress, a travel agent and in several forms of customer service. Her passion though has always been writing. She loves and enjoys both reading and writing fan fiction. Fantasy Time Inc. is her second work of original fiction.