Fear is something we all have at one level or another. Why is it there, what good does it do us? It used to be important as a tool to warn us of danger, to keep us on our toes, and to be more aware. Now, we live in a time where this is almost uncalled for. We go through life aware enough to get from one place to another with very little danger in our lives, but what do we do with the fear that is still present and real within us? Fear can be detrimental to our happiness ; it overrides our thoughts and emotions.

We all know what it is like to fear something that may happen, even if it is only something in our imaginations. We dream up scenarios and play them over and over in our minds, fearing the worst that may be. The news that is broadcasted teaches us to be fearful, proclaims our safety is in danger, and so we believe this on some level. But in reality, our safety is not tied into the existence portrayed on the media; we may imagine it to be, but we live in a very safe society and in safe homes. What then do we do with the real fear in our lives even if we know this? How can we feel better; how can know that we will be okay and trust that fear is not necessary? We must first imagine ourselves without it. We must see that we can live without fear, for fear is programmed into our minds and even our bodies. We have become trained to feel it, but fear is not necessary. It may have been important at one time, but it no longer is.

Depending on your situation in life, if you were to really look at where you live and what you do on a daily basis, do you feel fear as you go about your day? Not imagined fear, not the thought of what could happen on a bigger scale in your life, but daily fear? This is what is important to register. If you go about your life in relative safety and understand that fear is not necessary, then it can be so. Fear is not permanently programmed into you. Fear is a choice. It is a way of existing that leaves you feeling strained, afraid, and uneasy in your life. Fear is not in control of you. Look at your life, where you really are with honesty, and ask yourself if fear really serves you. Try not to call up what you imagine may be; instead, look at the reality. Can you do without fear every day? Can you live without it? Of course you can. You can live without fear by telling yourself the truth that it is a choice and simply understanding that life is not something we ever need to be afraid of.

Author's Bio: 

Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young are both dedicated to enabling others to reach their full potential in life, to help others release what is holding them back, and to find their true selves. Through years of experience and development, both have sought out the answers we all need to find peace, understand ourselves, and reach enlightenment.
Open up to the inner peace you will find when you finally see yourself , your true self . Find yourself and learn how to become one with your destiny , truly be in the moment , and reach enlightenment at Answers in Writing .