We often have an idea in our minds, a goal to achieve, an aim to look forward to. But somewhere along the way we loose track of where we were going and leave our targets unattained or barely grazed. How can one reach the desired objective and know that success and achievement are possible regardless of the circumstances under which we engage our journey?


A crystal clear and personally undeniable vision is an essential first step. Without knowing exactly what is to be obtained, there is no way of knowing whether or not the task has been accomplished. This means that “losing weight” should be made into a precise goal of “losing 20 pounds in 4 months so that I can be healthy, toned, and feel good about my body”. It is only in the second description that one can identify whether or not the goal has been reached. It also provides the ability to envision the end result as though it has already been realized.

Be Honest

Vision isn’t daydreaming. An accurate and objective assessment of reality is necessary for a vision to be feasible and workable. It’s not in being overly pessimistic (“I’ll never get there”) or overly optimistic (“things are perfect just as they are”) that one can set reachable goals. A solid platform for action requires a truthful consideration of the facts.

Hold on Tight

Very often, people begin with a clear goal in mind only to either give it up or lower the bar along the way. Holding tightly to a vision allows one to alter reality to move ever closer to the desired result, by providing the motivation and drive to take the needed actions to reach the target.

Step Lightly

Did you tie your shoe perfectly the first time you ever tried? Can you do it well now? Many believe that the first step must be a perfect step and get easily discouraged by initial failure. Rather, see failure as a form of feedback in which adjustments and future actions can be established. Then, one step at a time, walk along the path to achievement and adjust your stride according to the path in front.

Drive Forward

When motivation drains, we need momentum and this can be found through emotive drive. Various positive forces include the use of social support in which people you can about check up on you and give you encouragement to move forward. It could also be a deadline in which a stress factor pushed you to move quickly over the finish line. Or perhaps the emotive drive comes from seeing small bits of success along the way, in which case smaller goals make up the bigger target we’re aiming for.

Stop when Finished

When the objective has been reached, stop for a bit and appreciate the achievement . Celebrating success is a crucial factor for it provides the necessary positive feedback of a job well done. Even if the final result isn’t exactly as initially envisioned, a bit of praise for task completion will generate the motivation to initiate new goals. Failure to stop when the finish line has been reached leads to fatigue, frustration and dissatisfaction.

Keep it

Many will stop when they feel satisfied that the aim has been reached only to fall back into old habits , lie back in extended rest, or forget past achievements in order to focus on new projects. But why go through all that work only to have the result fade? If the goal of “losing 20 pounds in 4 months so that I can be healthy, toned, and feel good about my body” has been reached with effort, consistency and determination, why allow old habits to take that achievement away? Use the sense of accomplishment to set a new goal; that of maintaining what has been realized so far while taking on new challenges.

“The mere possession of a vision is not the same as living it, nor can we encourage others with it if we do not, ourselves, understand and follow its truths. The pattern of the Great Spirit is over us all, but if we follow our own spirits from within, our pattern becomes clearer. For centuries, others have sought their visions. They prepare themselves, so that if the Creator desires them to know their life’s purpose, then a vision would be revealed. To be blessed with visions is not enough…we must live them!” ~ High Eagle

Author's Bio: 

Albert Garoli is a proficient health practitioner, medical researcher, and educator. He is a specialist in Ayurvedic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbology, Biophysics, and Homotoxicology. Currently, he is teaching in the Italian College of Osteopathy (C.I.O) as well as the Italian School for Oriental Medicine (ScuolaTao), in convention with University Sapienza of Rome. He is also the director of the Holonomics cooperative project. His many years of experience have brought him to a revolutionary understanding of human neurobiology which is clearly explained in his new book: The Evolutionary Glitch.