How to Live Life Without Regrets?The big thing about life is we all believe we need to do a lot of things to be satisfied. To live without a purpose is not living at all. Changing how you approach life now can prevent future regrets; you can also learn to let go of current ones. The best way to avoid looking back on one’s life with regrets is to live each day with purpose and goals.
What Does It Mean to Regret?
-To feel remorse for something that you were afraid to do; you spend the rest of your life wishing you had.
-To feel bad about how you mistreated someone’s heart or trust. It can be over any of the following: cheating on someone, not taking a second chance on love, not taking advantage of once-in-a-lifetime career opportunity, or allowing someone or something to hold you back as if you were scared and frozen from the negative experience.
Be Clear on What You Want
-Pursue and be clear the longings of your heart. When we ignore them, we miss the opportunity to reach our full potential and experience that deep fulfillment that following our dreams
can offer. If you want something then you have a responsibility to yourself to go out and make it happen.
-When you want to live a life with no regrets then you have to decide what you really want and go get it.
Let go of Past Emotional Pain
-People who hold on to these past emotional pains often relive the pain over and over in their minds. Sometimes a person can even get “stuck” in this pain. The only way you can accept new joy and live without regrets is to let go and to make space for it. Start letting go of the past and stop reliving it.
-When the past memories run on your mind, acknowledge them for a moment. And then bring yourself gently back to the present moment.
Accept the Reality
-Accepting the reality is one of the most effective ways of getting rid of regrets. You have to accept that what has happened has already happened. Once you learn to accept the truth, you become a lot ready to move on.
-As the bible said at John 8:32 “Know the truth and the truth will set you free”
Take Risks
-Failure is an option and it is necessary. The people with the most regrets in life are those that are afraid to fail.
-No one likes failing, making mistakes and getting the rejection is natural and necessary part of the process of human living. When you fall down many times there’s no other option but to get up.
Let go of Perfectionism
“Strive for progress, not perfection”-Anonymous.
-Perfectionists consider mistakes to be personal failures and blamed themselves when things go wrong, even when they are not directly involved or responsible. Allow yourself to be imperfect and still make progress. It’s all a journey of life.
A Few Last Words …Regret can be a great obstacle to living the life you want. It’s never too late, however, to turn your life around. You can begin to appreciate each day without the burden of a past full of regrets. Find out how to love the path you’re on by exploring your desires, taking steps toward a new future, and letting go of past mistakes.
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Juvy Ann is a passionate Author, Life Coach, & Internet Marketer who resides and writes in the Philippines. Currently, she serves as the CEO for IWorld Vision Trading, Inc.
Both persistent and driven, Juvy Ann has dedicated a lot of her time to learning all things business and has been an ambitious entrepreneur since 2012.
Juvy Ann holds a B.S. in Accounting. Additionally, she is the member of the Marine Life Protection Association.
When she isn’t writing, Juvy Ann enjoys going on adventures and traveling. She is also a coffee aficionado. Most importantly, she enjoys spending quality time with her wonderful family. Jo is happily married and a proud mother of 1 beautiful child.
Along with crafting stories, Jo is presently completing her training to become a motivational speaker.