6 Quick Lipstick Tricks! PART ONE

OK, so the first challenge of this blog post? See if you can say "Six Quick Lipstick Tricks" three times fast!

Not so easy, is it? Well, the second challenge is much easier. We want you to break open your make-up bag, pull out your lippies and get experimenting with our six super easy ways to make the most of your luscious lips. Because we have such a wealth of advice on this topic we've split this blog into two easily-digestible posts... so stay tuned for part two.
Our first three tips are all about choosing the right lipstick and keeping your lips in good condition.

  • Choosing the Right Colour
    When choosing a lipstick colour you need to think about what colours best complement your complexion. Here are a few pointers…
    Fair skin: Choose plum, wine and berry reds with a blue undertone. Also light-to-medium brown or beige with pink undertones. Avoid bright pink.
    Olive skin: Choose rich, deep brown reds and dark berry shades. Avoid pink and orangey/pinky reds.

    Medium skin: Choose rich deep pinks, reds, caramel shades, medium brown with yellow/pink undertones, and creamy coffee brown. Avoid pale browns, which make your skin look washed out.
    Dark skin: Choose reds with blue undertones, mahogany, deep plums, wine reds, rich, and dark coffee browns. Avoid orange undertones.

  • Choosing the Right Texture
    There's more to choosing a lipstick than finding the right colour; you also need to think about texture. A single shade can look very different in different textures. Matte lipsticks have dense colour, no shine and little, if any, moisture. Cream lipsticks deliver strong color with moisture but may not be as durable as matte. Gloss lipsticks are translucent, moist and shiny. Lipstick stain looks very dark in the tube but goes on sheer and gives long lasting colour, but can have a drying effect. Frosted colours contain sparkly white and are generally more suited to youthful complexions.
    Different texture lipsticks work well for different looks. Stain is great for everyday-wear lip colour, gloss is great for glamming it up, and matte is the ultimate in creating a strong, sophisticated look. There are no right or wrong lipstick choices so just have fun experimenting!
  • Dry Lips
    No amount of gorgeous lipstick colour will do you any justice if your lips look like you've spent the past few weeks adrift in a lifeboat under the harsh unforgiving sun. Dry, flaky, crusty lips are the enemy and must be defeated! Here's how…
    Before applying lipstick, try using a lip exfoliator with added moisturizer. Choose a sheer, tinted lipstick or shimmery gloss. This fresh look will stay on longer and keep your lips hydrated. Avoid matte lipsticks, which can dry your lips out further. Always use balms with sun protection to keep lips hydrated and soft at all times and whatever you do, don't lick your lips as this will only make your lips even drier and flakier.

In our next blog post on all things lip related we have some great tips on lipstick application and creating the perfect pout.

If you want luscious lips for you next big occasion, call into La Spa for a full make-up treatment. See our pricing list for more info www.laspatherapiemalahide.ie/spa-treatments/make-up

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