Life Training and Laughter, the Best Things in Life That are free!

Have it ever occurred to you why so many comedians like Jack Benny, Milton Berle, Bob Hope, and George Burns lived to be so old? It can be associated with laughter being a good medicine. Before the onset of “shock” humor, it is when humor became a four letter word. We could forget all our troubles and stresses for a while for the good old fashioned belly laugh! This is their main life business which is truly inspiring given the fact that their personal mission is to make us laugh just to entertain us.

Ben Franklin once said that "the Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness . You have to pursue it for yourself.” He realized that joy and happiness are a choice. I’ve met people who were in ardent poverty and yet they were happier than some rich men. I’ve met people with great physical challenges who were not depressingly wallowing in pity, but were making a significant difference with their lives.

Doctors have researched the effect of laughter on humans. They’ve discovered that laughter has a deeply profound and a virtually instantaneous effect on virtually every vital organ in the body. They say that laughter, even when it is forced, has beneficial effects on us. Laughter is good for us both mentally and physically. It is a good medicine that money can’t buy!

Doctors say that laughter can basically bring balance to all the components of the immune system, which helps us ward off diseases.

A speaker once say this last week that while arguing for one minute can decrease your immune system for up to 10 hours while one minute of laughter can boost your immune system for up to 24 hours!

It is a widely known fact that laughter reduces levels of certain stress hormones. Stress hormones are horrible. They hinder the immune system which increases the number of blood platelets which can cause blockages in arteries.

This results in your blood pressure to rapidly rise up. Something amazing starts to happen when we laugh. Our bodies produce natural killer cells that destroy tumors and viruses. Gamma-interferon, a disease-fighting protein increases. T-cells, which are a major part of the immune response, and B-cells, which make disease-destroying antibodies ... they all increase when we laugh.

Laughing alone can be a total body workout! Our blood pressure is lowered and our blood flow is increased. Oxygenation of the blood is increased. All of these things assist our bodies in healing and a re-invigorating all body workout routine.

The psychological benefits of humor are also astounding. We as humans tend to hold up negative emotions. We hold our anger and fear deep inside which boils up and eventually cause us to erupt. There’s even a move on now in the mental health profession. They are recommending “laughter therapy.”When we laugh it is an outlet for these emotions to be released in a positive way. They actually hold classes and teach people how to laugh. This reminds me of the movie about Patch Adams who was portrayed by Robin Williams. Doctors and psychiatrists are becoming more aware of the therapeutic benefits of laughter and humor.

Once there was a really nice lady. She was a minister's widow, who was a little old-fashioned and extremely proper. She was planning a week's vacation in California at a church campground near Yosemite National Park, but she wanted to make sure of the accommodations first. The most important on her mind were bathroom facilities, but she couldn't bring herself to write "toilet" in a letter. After enumerable considerable deliberation, she settled on "bathroom commode," but when she wrote that down, it still sounded too forward. So, after the first page of her letter, she referred to the bathroom commode as "BC."

"Does the cabin where I will be staying have its own BC? If not, where is the BC located?" Is what she actually wrote.

The owner took the first page of the letter and the lady's check and gave it to his secretary. He put the remainder of the letter on the desk of the senior member of his staff, without noticing that the staffer would have no way of knowing what "BC" meant. Then the owner went off to town to run some errands.

“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.” So let’s use our weapon and take a laughter break.

Last time my wife and I went, six years ago, and it was so crowded we had to stand up the whole time we were there. It may interest you to know that right now there is a supper planned to raise money to buy more seats. They are going to hold it in the basement of the “BC.”

When the staff member came in after lunch and found the letter, and was baffled by the “BC”. He showed the letter around to several counselors, but they couldn't figure it out either. The staff member's wife, who knew that the lady was the widow of a famous Baptist preacher, was sure that it must be a question about the local Baptist church. "Of course!" The first staffer exclaimed. 'BC' stands for 'Baptist Church.'"

While the staffers were quite busy, so it took him a few days to answer the woman's letter. Finally, he sat down and wrote: Dear Madam, I regret very much the delay in answering your letter, but I now take the pleasure in informing you that the BC is located nine miles north of the campground and is capable of seating 250 people at one time. I admit it is quite a distance away if you are in the habit of going regularly, but no doubt you will be pleased to know that a great number of people take their lunches along and make a day of it. They usually arrive early and stay late.

I would like to say that it pains me very much not to be able to go more regularly, but it is surely no lack of desire on my part. As we grow older, it seems to be more of an effort, particularly in cold weather. If you decide to come down to our campground, perhaps I could go with you the first time, sit with you, and introduce you to all the folks. Remember, this is a friendly community. Wherein you can cultivate your life skills through efficient leadership by those involved in this community. A means to continually cultivate your personal worth whilst measure up through your performance via building skills for your personal worth.Sincerely,

Laughter is a good medicine! And it’s absolutely free!

Author's Bio: 

Gary Eby, a member of the Jim Rohn Speaker Bureau, is gifted to teach deep truths in a clear and easily understandable style. His messages are power-packed and often filled with laughter and practical illustrations. He has shared the stage with great speakers such as Jim Rohn and Les Brown. Not only is Gary a sought after speaker, but he is also an author whose personal development book Lefthanded Soldiers has received worldwide attention. You may receive a free copy at