It is so simple...just to be walking and talking, living and breathing, life is good! It's great to be alive! When people tell me life stinks, I ask them "Compared to what?"
We all have many things to be thankful for, although we sometimes do not remember them! We sometimes get caught up in the world of bills, jobs, stress, minor annoyances, noisey neighbors, barking dogs, trouble sleeping, et cetera.
We should always remember how great it is to Just Be Alive! To go outside and look up at the sky and breathe the fresh air is awesome! When is the last time YOU watched the sunrise? Is it too early for you? Then get to bed a couple of hours earlier, even if you have to eliminate a few hours of useless television!
It is that miserable television that is robbing people of their sleep and of too many precious minutes of life's splendor!
Be thankful you are alive, and try to enjoy the day today!
Many Blessings!
Father Time is a self help writer and motivational speaker and has a Fabulous Online SuperStore with many cool items!