Seeing the world as new is about letting go of what feels old. It is about realizing the world is constantly changing and that you are too. Because of this, everything around you is constantly evolving, growing, changing, and nothing is repeated. The only thing that holds onto repetition is our mind. We relate what we see through our mind first. Our perception of reality is often far different than what it really is. We believe that what we are experiencing in the moment has already occurred in a very similar way at one point. We see these similarities because we are filtering the moment through our mind and through our memories of past experiences. We relate from this place and so we tend to see the world around us as the same as yesterday.

By expecting things to be the same, we are living in the past. We are not fully engaged in the present or even experiencing anything new. But every moment is new and every day is new. So how do you begin to see and feel this? How can you change your outlook on life and your experiences? First, we must let go of the expectation that things will be the same. We must release the feel of yesterday and the memory of what it was. We need to stop relating the present to the past. Letting go of what was opens up your vision, your mind, and your heart to what really is. Life is not a repetitive cycle; we only keep ourselves in this pattern by looking at life in the same way. We can alter this feeling by realizing that nothing stays the same except the way we see it.

Expect nothing and open up to everything by seeing the present for what it is. Today is not your past reoccurring. Memory has a way of making our past into our present. Whether the memory comes from our hearts or from our minds, it pulls us backwards. Engage in the moment without relating it to your past and you will see everything as new. Open up your mind and allow yourself to let go of your assumptions of what the moment is so that you can see what is really happening. Let your heart sense what is new by being open and not closed off to what is. Release your past so that every day is what it really is, new to you.

Author's Bio: 

Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young are both dedicated to enabling others to reach their full potential in life, to help others release what is holding them back, and to find their true selves. Through years of experience and development, both have sought out the answers we all need to find peace, understand ourselves, and reach enlightenment.
Open up to the peace you will find when you finally see yourself , your true self . Find yourself and learn how to become one with your destiny , truly be in the moment , and reach enlightenment at Answers in Writing .