Is apprehension preventing you from becoming a successful businessperson? Understand where your anxiety is coming from - and find out how to overcome it.

What's holding you back from business achievement? Is it a lack of skill to do something profitable and worthwhile? I doubt it. Chances are you've got a compelling passion for a particular type of line of business, whether it's assisting others, developing a product, or supplying a service.

As a writing coach, I've found that the number one reason most women never take the plunge and start their own business is anxiety .

Where the Fear Stems From

I understand apprehension because I've experienced it myself. So many times I've helped others to defeat personal struggles only to find that instead of feeling a sense of achievement , I was drained. I was seeing women go on to better futures and more fulfilling lives through finding their true sense of Self - yet here I was grounded, and almost resentful, after my work was done. Instead of anticipating the next client, I almost shunned taking her on.

What was my dilemma?

I knew there had to be a change - in my business model and in the way I approached my work. But at the same time, I was fearful that if I changed, the whole thing would go south.

Why was this happening? Because instead of really hearing my Self, I was listening to everyone else. I intrinsically knew what would make me feel content. I'd done all the exercises I recommend to my clients and asked myself all those magical questions to find out who I really am - but I'd repressed the power they held over my own life. I was making decisions based not on my own core values, but on what was critical to others, and apprehensive about what would happen if I didn't heed them. I feared being a "loser" because it would affect my family, my friends, my co-workers and my own self esteem .

I should have been more afraid of going against my own wants, needs, and core values!

Overcoming the Fear

First, you must realize that your life is your own. You will never achieve an overwhelming sense of personal fulfillment until you recognize your core values and stay true to them - regardless of what someone else has to say about it.

Your excitement is fueled by a career that focuses on the key values most important to your sense of Self. And that passion is what fuels your vision; your inspiration to get up each morning and face the day with a sense of enthusiasm.

Secondly, you must have belief in yourself. Even if other people around you are skeptical, you can't let that deter you from your goals. Only you can create the "big picture" of what your entrepreneurial course will look like when everything is in sync with your values, and it will never be the same as someone else's creation. Faith in your Self is what will keep you going, facing obstacles and defeating them, doing the things that will move you ever closer to the big picture goal.

Four Magical Questions That Help You Achieve the Big Picture Goal

It's not easy to stay true to your Self when so many others are imploring you to give up on your dreams and passions. And it's certainly no less challenging to keep moving forward when you have an aversion to change. Don't give up; ask yourself these four magical questions to refuel the fire:

1. What are the tasks I am dreading? How can I get them over with and get on with what I love?
2. Who am I assisting by staying true to the Big Picture?3. What am I doing that someone else couldn't do as well?
4. What is the worst thing that could happen right now? Is it really all that distressing?

Once I submitted honest answers to these questions, I found a renewed sense of purpose in my life's work. The passion was back - and I was more successful than ever coaching other women to achieve their goals.

Becoming a profitable businessperson takes energy, a clear vision, and most of all, the ability to defeat your anxieties. Quit listening to other people and stay in accord with what your Self is saying. You can take your desire and turn it into something really awesome!

Author's Bio: 

Lori Chance is a writing coach, collaborative writer and editor specializing in how-to, informational, spiritual, and personal development articles and books. Her self-coaching book for women titled, Who Am I, is now available at Amazon. To learn more about Lori, visit her website at or connect with her on facebook at!/pages/Who-Am-I/184242054932889.