Beginning on 1/1/11, mortgage lenders are being required to give borrowers credit score alerts on how their credit scores might potentially be preventing them from being offered optimal mortgage rates .

The point of the credit score alert is to provide warnings to mortgage seekers about the significance of their credit score in relation to mortgage rates and grant them a chance to improve their respective credit or possibly withdraw their application for the mortgage.

Past experience with these matters lead me to believe the alert requirement will more likely than not be just one more government-mandated legislation becoming indistinguishable in the large pile of documents that customers methodically sign and date with eyes glazed over.

As a better solution to depending on a document required by law, mortgage borrowers are better off checking their credit scores before they search for interest rates. To improve their credit scores, customers are encouraged to correct any credit mistakes and pay off credit card loans but leave the accounts open due to the fact that bigger credit lines relative to debt used is better for your credit score. Ways to better your credit score .

Even without government regulations, almost all reputable mortgage lenders caution customers of credit score issues and, if possible, attempt to help borrowers in efforts to better their scores. This highlights why borrowing from an experienced, consumer-focused lender is important.

Media coverage indicates a lackluster welcoming for the new mandate. Equally as unimpressed is the credit reporting industry.

Mortgage brokers have been given moderate slack in devising credit alerts, but the forms will probably reveal home buyers and current homeowners who are refinancing their existing mortgages how their score compares to other mortgage applicants, any or all relevant factors that could drive down their score, a reminder that individuals have the legal right to fight discrepancies they realize on credit reports, and different ways to reach the three national credit bureaus. Borrowers might addiaionally see a document detailing the method used to determine their credit scores.

Author's Bio: 

Total Mortgage Services , LLC is an industry leading mortgage broker and lender headquartered in Milford, Connecticut. Thanks to the trust of thousands of customers from all around the county, Total Mortgage has continued to grow by stressing personal service and rapid responses, and has funded over $6 billion in mortgage loans and are licensed in 21 states.