It is important to learn how to socialize with people in order to make friends. We all need each other and as such no single person can exist without having to rely on others. We are highly social beings and there is no way we can ignore this fact. In deed " No man is an island." This is a famous quote by John Donne and it's there to remind you and me that we need each other. It is similar to Donald Trump's quote, "You cannot know it all. No matter how smart you're, no matter how comprehensive your education, no matter how wide ranging your experience... "

It doesn't matter what your social statusin society is but you need to socialize with people. They need you and you need them. When you're facing a tough challenge and you're not able to handle it alone, you'll need a helping hand. Someone somewhere has a solution for it and you need that person.

The above two quotes are important. You and I need to socialize. I mean we should know how to socialize with people. By socializing, we get to learn many things from people. You know very well that there are things you cannot do best as the other person does them. Of course, if you know how to socialize, then you have no difficulties in getting them done for you.

Social skill is no different from other set of skills. It requires time and practice to master the skill of socializing effectively. To be more realistic, it is learned. Is it intuitive? Do your research to find out if it is intuitive. Anxiety and lack of focus are some of the obstacles when it comes on how to socialize with people. But you can overcome these obstacles.

We learn how to socialize from childhood. You'll agree with me that parents who take their children to participate in outdoor activities more often are likely to have great personality when they become adults. This is because they have gained exposure and interacted with many people.

Trust and comfort begins with an individual and if we cannot accept our own place in the world, then we can't accept others. Advancement of various skills such as communication, self-awareness, self-control and self-esteem are the building blocks to self-acceptance.

Setting goals and achieving them is also important in building your confidence, self-esteem and in building the confidence of others in you. You should learn to trust yourself first for others to trust you. Developing the social self and coping with the environment you find yourself in is a learning process.

Freeing your mind from stress is important. When you are stressed you'll make others to get worried and this hampers them to feel comfortable being with you. You need to free your mind from stress and be a person who is cheerful and comfortable being around with people in order to socialize effectively and make friends. Practice meditation and yoga to have control over your mind.

As far as learning on how to socialize is concerned, you should expand your awareness and absorb the environment you find yourself in just like a toddler absorbs the new environment.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article is Joshua Nyamache and together with other team members they are working on Nikenya website, a website that you connect with friends and family and read articles about doing more work in less time, good quotes about friends , achieving dreams and many more articles that give you useful information that will inspire you in achieving self-improvement.