If you feel that the future would be brighter if you were back with your ex, then you will need to take in every bit of information you can on how to get her back again. The steps involved in getting your ex back are not all that difficult but you will need to have a good think about the relationship itself and plan out a strategy to be successful.

Step One: To rekindle the romance you once had, start by having no contact with your ex for a while, even though this may seem an odd step to take. This will probably be the hardest part in getting your ex back and it may feel tough for you to do but know that it will be tough for her as well.

Once she realizes that you have disappeared from her life, she will start to miss you and then in turn, notice how much she wants you around again. Having no contact is one of the most important steps to getting your ex partner back again.

Step Two: Give yourself some time to work through the relationship split emotionally. The ability to remain calm when thinking about and discussing the break up will work to your advantage. More often than not, men who are needy or desperate are not very attractive to women, so you need to get yourself together before you think about contacting her again.

Step Three: Begin to talk to someone else. Again, this step may seem like you are going against your instincts but it can be very effective in getting your ex girl back. If she spots you paying attention to another girl, it might make her move faster to get you back. Just be careful with this method because if your ex girlfriend gets too jealous, it may backfire on you.

Step Four: Act as cool as possible. In other words, do not let her see you worrying. She may wait to take you back if she thinks you are out of sorts. Dont give her any reason to believe that you are less than fine.

Step Five: Always look your best around her. Make sure that you are presented in the best way possible when in her presence.

Your appearance can not only show her your confidence but that you are starting to move on too. Your ex girlfriend will take note that that you are looking great, so take your time and put some thought into your appearance.

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And with the no contact rule, how long do you have no contact for? Even though it may differ for individuals, you can find the general answer here: no contact rule how long ?