Why does Starbucks generate so much hype for its consumers? What makes it so popular to the masses that there’s even a memoir entitled, “How Starbucks Saved My Life”, making it one of the most talked about and wildly successful brands in history?

The answer: excellent, exceptional customer service . That’s what the Starbucks distinction is all about compared to all the baristas or fast food attendants from other food or coffee establishments. I’m not a Starbucks fanatic, mind you, but I’ve been a regular customer of various coffee hangouts everywhere and I can evidently say that the Starbucks staff serve their patrons with top notch customer service and enthusiasm.

So for lead generation companies and telemarketing call centers out there, what can we learn from the Starbucks baristas in terms of customer service ?

Customer satisfaction must be the main goal of your employees. Starbucks staff always prioritize the needs of their customers and they work together to attain that. Bear in mind that the teamwork of the members is what helps customers to have a positive experience. How good is your firm in bringing the team together in order to serve your sales leads and clients?

Give away some freebies and samples. Free samples is your way of expressing that you are proud of the value of your products. Particularly if there is a new promo, it’s rare to walk inside a store at that time that there’s no free sample being given. What are you giving out for free in order to show your business leads and prospects the value you can provide for them?  A free ebook perhaps, or white papers?

Know their names and about their lives, too! The trademark Caramel Macchiato is not just transaction 539. It’s Liz’s favorite drink. The Venti Signature Hot Chocolate is not just for the gentleman at the bar. It’s for Cody. Starbucks baristas know their customers’ names. Do you know the names of your prospects? Aside from the name, what else do you know about the lives and businesses of your b2b leads and customers? Starbucks staff don’t just know Liz’s name; they know that she’s a retired teacher in San Francisco who loves gardening as her hobby. Starbucks workers know more about Cody than just his name; they know that he owns a construction business, has an 11-year old daughter, and plays golf on Saturdays. How about you? How much do you know about your leads and clients?

Rectify your mistakes. Aside from readily taking responsibility, employees of Starbucks readily correct their mistakes. For instance, if customers are made to wait for a very long time, an apology will not suffice—they also receive coupons for beverage. If a drink is done the wrong way, they will remake it—no further questions. How long or how fast do you rectify your errors?  When it comes to customer service, how fast you solve a problem really matters. Though it’s given that we all make mistakes sometimes, it is still the promptness of how we correct those slip-ups that makes the difference.

Author's Bio: 

Anika Davis is a marketing executive for Leads and Appointments. And has a proven track record in helping b2b companies generate qualified sales leads through telemarketing, search engine marketing and email marketing. Find more lead generation tips and how to's at www.leadsandappointments.com