This morning, I got caught up again in trying to know before taking any action whatsoever, if something would work or not…

I fell for it again…

I got to thinking and overthinking what text to put in my adverts for Facebook…

Trying to go see what others had done…

Trying to see the end before I even made a start!

And I know better!

I know so much better than that…

All the thinking and overthinking in the world is not going to tell me whether something will work or not, I KNOW THAT and YET STILL I get caught up in the nonsense…

How much more you?

YOU have not written the 3000 ads that I have written and frankly, without all the overthinking, I would have written more!

YOU have not had the years of experience I have had and you have a limited budget and you want to make sure you use it well…

And you think that it is wise to get as clear as possible about the right path by lurking and watching to see what others are doing or buying that new course that tells you it will give you the million dollar strategy for Facebook advertising…

And this is just one aspect of your business…

There are so many other areas where you want certainty…

You want to know that you know that you know that it will definitely work if you do it this way…

You do not see that that is exactly what ‘norms’ want and so they stay in jobs…

Because that is the only place you will get the certainty you crave and is it really all that certain?

After all, all these employees are depending on an entrepreneur who thrives on uncertainty!

The ‘norms’ are willing to give up freedom in order for this entrepreneur to give them certainty?!!

And then the ‘norms’ are all up in arms and angry when that certainty is taken away from them,

When they are fired or made redundant, they feel resentful.  They forget that they were depending on a person just like themselves who maybe made a bad choice or just had a blip or frankly, decided that the ‘norm’ was just surplus to requirements!

Anyway, I am not talking to ‘norms’ here…

I am talking to you!

And your silly quest for certainty…

You think and think and over think, instead of just taking action on those little ideas that occur to you…

You are so scared of running out of cash and so you hoard it, trying to MAKE SURE that whatever you spend your time or money on, is absolutely going to work the way you want it to.

You forget that it always works…




    If not, please go get yourself a job because this will not work.  Accept the fact that you are a norm and you just cannot hack this…


    You need feedback and you need it each and every day in order to hone your message.

    In order to reach the right people, in order to get the result you want, you need feedback.  And that feedback will inform your next move.  All the overthinking in the world will not be able to tell you if something will work or not.  No guru in the world can tell you if it will work for you or not, they will all tell you to test things…

    To give it your best shot and put it out there and the marketplace will tell you whether they like what you have to say or not.

And once the marketplace starts to talk, you get more choices…

  1. Stick with your original message because it is your truth

  2. Filter it to hit the spot with your people.

The truth is, I personally think that answer 1 is the way forward but I also know that there is room to blend the both of these options but it comes from getting feedback and responding to it.

So, leader, all the thinking and head-based knowledge in the world is not enough to replace the feedback of the marketplace or your internal wisdom so stop navel-gazing and overthinking and instead, start listening in.

Stop buying into some new wonder strategy every five seconds and concentrate on what your perfect people AND your heart are saying to you.

And if you do not have enough people speaking back to you, you better do a lot more communicating…

Because your people will not respond to something they have not heard yet!

Right now, tap into flow and ask the following question…

“Where are my people, the ones I am called to serve?”

Grab the first response that pops into your heart mind…

Choose to stick with being present in that place for the next 6 months!

“What can I put out there to get their attention?” is the next question…

Relax, listen in…

Journal around it…

Write out a few ideas as they appear in the radar of your imagination

Pick one and act on it.

No forcing required…

In fact, the more forceful you are about trying to think your way through this process, the more likely you are to put something out there that your people just do not want!

Tap into flow, leader!

Stop trying to forcefully think your way through everything…

You are being like an elephant, stamping out all the beautiful stuff as you forcefully try to clear your path with the hugeness of your clumsy body…

Instead, be like a gazelle, light on your feet, tapping into flow, light enough that the wind can take you any direction, beautiful and glorious to watch as you speeedily get places completely led by flow…

The overthinking has got to be nipped in the bud, if you are to do the work of impacting and making millions.

Leader, the wisdom within you is more, much more than anything you will ever find outside of you!

And then the response of the marketplace comes a very close second…

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live.

PS – I put a video together for you, ones that will explain to you why you are struggling to get results in your business – How Sex & Spirit Will Make You Rich Doing Only What you Love Online – Go listen in, immediate access, no email addresses required.

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online