It's getting better all the time! This is the time to lighten up, break a smile and face the future! Use the Law of Attraction !

The next two weeks will be full of changes like a flowing river. Do not resist the changes and always remember that if one door closes and you let it close, another one or two other doors are opening.

It is time to expand your horizon and dare to leave your comfort zone! Enhance your knowledge and get together with other people. Set up a project or join others in their project.

The spirit takes over and the little Ego has no space anymore. It is about non-attachment. This does not mean detachment and run away. Break free and liberate yourself in a positive way.

Do not get into "do not change" feelings as you only get into battles and conflicts. Reflections about what is mine and what is yours are getting you in trouble. We are tested how badly we want this partner, this business etc. Please do not overreact.

Gather and research for new information, but do not get into battles with others. Use the information to change your reality and take that into action. Move forward, make plans and look into the future from a non-attached perspective. During the next 2 week you will have the clarity for your new plans.

The more you free yourself and shift your believes, the better you can move with the Law of Attraction instead of the Law of Repulsion. Go in the new direction because it is your calling. Listen for your call and notice the inspirations you get. Your inner voice will guide you! Write down 101 goals what you want to be, have and give. Then screen them for 3 major aims and get active. The 101 aims you put into an envelope and seal it with the date in 3 years. After 3 years when you will open it, you might wonder what has come into reality by then.

From this place of stillness we can see the future! Freely step up, out and into a new space both internally and in the outer world. Time to re-invent yourself!

The time is flying so fast! Take action!

This week's Mantra:

Beyond the pain of losses and the joy brought on by gains,
There is a knowing in my soul that always will remain.It beckons me ever onward toward a higher plane,
Where infinite serenity and Love forever reign.

Author's Bio: 

Angela Schulz-Henke is a success and business coach. She loves to see her clients thrive and live a fulfilled life.
Her mentor is John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton and for marketing Chris Cardell and Michael Gerber.
She just founded a Business Coaching Company with another lady to coach small companies and people who want to set up their own business or improve their business in a rapid changing market.