Over the years I have been hired as a personal trainer many times to help people lose weight and get in shape for a specific event such as a high school reunion, wedding or job interview . Soon after the goal is met and the contract is finished, their weight comes right back on. Why is that?
Too often we buy into media manipulation showing us that excess weight is bad, wrong, ugly and that we are unlovable and not good enough if we have it. If we are overweight, people look at us as if it’s our fault. We’re not strong enough, disciplined and we are lazy. Many of us just give up trying, not able to get over the mountain of failed attempts. What are we to do?
We learn about a new diet , exercise , class or drug and put all our faith and hope in it thinking, maybe this time it will work and we can finally escape these ongoing feelings of failure and defeat. And often it doesn’t work…
If we look closer, we might discover part of ourselves holding back, not fully giving in to, or believing we could, or even deserve to get what we want. And, deep down, we are not surprised at the failed attempt, in fact, we expect it. We’ve tried many times before, and the interesting thing is, this failure is familiar, and almost comforting if we were to be really, really honest with ourselves…
Is there an answer for this dilemma? What if anything, would break this cycle? What process could cut the shackles of hopelessness and create the success we desperately desire?
When we want to change for external reasons, such as looking good for a high school reunion, wedding or even because we are told repeatedly by doctors we SHOULD lose weight, the changes are usually short lived.
When change comes from the inside out, those changes are meaningful and permanent. Creating a shift in the way we feel about ourselves at a deep, core heart essence level changes our entire motivation , actions and the self mastery we desire, follows.
When we are motivated by a healthy self-love and appreciation our behavior naturally and easily supports us. We learn to care for ourselves much like we would our best friend, loving child, or cherished parent for example.
This is when we are able to make lasting changes that originate out of a desire to truly and lovingly care for ourselves.
How do we do this? Hypnotherapy and coaching are powerful and effective tools to support us in making these changes from the inside out.
Hypnotherapy counteracts the negative programming that runs our lives. Coaching provides clarity, focus and accountability to stay true to what we want for ourselves. As we do this work
we create a new home for inner selves by building a strong foundation based on solid self esteem , and an honoring and appreciation of who we are.
Try this meditation to begin your journey.
Place yourself in a relaxed state. Imagine you are an older, wiser, loving you looking at yourself today. Notice the struggles of the younger you and allow compassion and love to fill your heart. Go to the younger you and comfort her/him. Use whatever gestures, words and interactions that seem right to unfold. Stay with this as long as you wish and revisit it often.
Warmest wishes always,Patricia
Integrity Coaching & Training Systems
(206)459-2898 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (206)459-2898 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Connect with me on:
- Phone: 206-459-2898
Patricia Eslava Vessey, PCC, CHt is the Owner/CEO of Integrity Coaching & Training Systems. We are a multifaceted company with expertise personal development. Our mission is to help individuals and groups transform limiting beliefs, behaviors and destructive habits into the empowered, heartfelt and meaningful lives they desire. Our clients are individuals, leaders, work teams, business owners and others tired of the status quo and ready to take action.We use an array of powerful, proven processes, techniques and tools to support you in making these changes. They include, workshops/seminars, coaching, training, hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), personal training, lifestyle and weight management consulting, positive psychology and over 30 years experience helping people achieve their goals. Our work will transform limiting beliefs and behaviors immediately and most often, permanently.
Visit her website at Contact her at: http://www.integritylifecoach.com